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The next day was slow. It started with the sun waking up Morgan who then took note that his body was getting a little sore from not working out every day like he usually did. Spencer still stayed asleep but Morgan chuckled at the sight, Spencer sprawled across the mattress. His shoulders and arms were touching Morgan when he was in the bed and when the older man got out Spencer wrinkled his nose and let out a little whine before he rolled over and burrowed further under the blankets. Morgan left the room, changing into more suitable workout clothing before grabbing his phone off the charger. He shot Spencer a text, telling him that Morgan would be going for a run and would be back soon. Morgan wasn't planning on doing his usual hours long run, just one or two laps around the block. He needed to work out the kinks that were settling in his calves.

The morning air was crisp and it made goosebumps rise on his skin and the air leaving his mouth was just barely seen. Morgan jogged half the block before breaking out into a run, smiling a little at the surge of energy and the ecstasy the workout gave him. After running the block three times he jogged up to the front steps of his house. Morgan stayed quiet and on the balls of his feet as he booked it up the stairs. Peeking his head around the door frame he checked in on Spencer, the younger man was still sleeping. One closed eye and his unruly hair peeking out from under the blankets. Morgan turned and went back downstairs, this time to his home gym. He tried to keep the volume low, playing music in one headphone and not dropping any of the dumbells like he usually did.

Once he finished Morgan checked on Spencer again, he was still asleep. Morgan was a little surprised the younger man was still sleeping, but was happy he was. Spencer looked so tired and the fact that he hasn't been properly sleeping or eating for however long it was no wonder he would sleep so long and hard once he had the chance. Morgan took a quick shower and changed into a clean pair of sweatpants and tank top. He retreaded downstairs and began making himself breakfast, his stomach growling loudly in the quiet house which was slowly becoming more and more brighter as the sun rose. After Morgan made eggs and toast he turned on his tv and sat down on the couch with his plate. Keeping the volume low so as to not wake up spencer or to hear spencer if he needed anything.

Morgan was able to eat, clean his dishes, watch another episode of the cheesy morning show the tv played and was elbow deep into a case file before he lifted his head to noises coming from the hallway. Eventually Spencer came shuffling in.

The two men nodded at each other, then proceeded to do their own thing, Derek occasionally looking up from the files to glance at spencer. Spencer sat at the ncounter across from Morgan with a bowl of cereal. Slowly lifting the spoon and taking his time chewing on the oats.
The ringing of the phone jerked both men out of their trance.

"Morgan," Derek says holding the phone to his ear and setting the file down.

"It's hotch" he whispers to Spencer who stared at him waiting. "Yea, he's right here" morgan hands the phone to spencer.

"Hello" Spencer croaks before clearing his throat from the thickness. "Hello" he repeated.

"Hey Reid, I found an AA group that could help you,I think you should consider going" Hotchner got right to the point, even though his words were suggesting, his tone told Spencer that he was going whether he wanted to or not.

"Good morning to you too" SPencer mutters sarcastically. "Yea, sounds good, send me the information and I'll take the train to the next meeting."
Morgan was pretending to not be listening and just reading the file but the raide in his eyebrows told Spencer otherwise.

"No, i'll be taking you"

"Oh, uh, ok" Spencer sputtered, nodding his head even though hotch couldn't see him.

"Ok, and morgans returning to work today?"

"I think so, i'll give you back to him."

"Ok, i'll see you in a few days Reid"

"Ok, by sir." spencer muttered before handing the phone back to morgan. Who held the phone with his shoulder pushing it to his ear. His hands are still flipping through the files.

"Yea, yes i'm coming in after lunch." Morgan nodded a few times, Spencer watched him as he resumed his eating, the cereal slowly rising to his mouth where it would sit for a few seconds before he would start chewing.

"Yea I got the files, I'm looking over them again right now. I actually have a few things to bring up in the meeting that I noticed."
Spencer leaned forward a little, trying to peer over the edge of the files. He was itching to get back to work, his head already moving sluggish and it was driving him up the wall. Morgan tucked the paper away, smirking at the young doctor. Spencer pouted, finishing up his cereal and standing up to clean it.

"Yes i'll pick it up, i'll be there in a few hours, ok bye" morgan finishes up the call, hanging up the phone and putting all the files back in his bag. Spencer washes the dish and puts it on the drying rack in silence before stepping around Morgan and going toward the couch.

"I'm gonna need to go home to pick up some more books" Spencer mumbled, his finger touching the spines of some of the books Morgan had.

"What you don't like sports monthly?" Morgan teased, nudging Spencer with the magazine. Reid rolls his eyes, reaching forward and grabbing a random book off the small shelf. He flips through it, it was a building manual, Spencers already read this. Twice. He places the book back with a sigh, he turns and gets on the couch, pulling the blanket down onto him.
Spencer flicks through the channels, settling on the discovery channel. The narrator's voice fills the room with facts about penguins.

Morgan settled down next to Spencer, handing him a cup of coffee, the liquid was a lot lighter than morgans. Spencer tested it and smiled a little to himself at how Morgan knew how he liked his coffee.

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