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"Boy wonder!" Spencer whirled around at the sound of Garcias voice. Her head was poking out of her cave and she brought her hand up, using her finger to usher Spencer toward her. He chuckled, and stuffed extra case files in his bag from his desk before walking over to her. His fingers twisting the strap over and over. Once he reached Penolope she pushed him inside, closing the door.

"That's yours" She points to a second desk chair that was added to her office. It was out of her way, and instead focused on its own little spot.

"I know you don't like computers as much so I figured you'd work best there" She smiles, brushing off her skirt before sitting down in her own desk chair. The noise of her keys clicking raked at Spencer's ears but he worked hard to ignore it, instead rereading the case file and settling into his new chair.

His fingers came up and dug into his neck, the skin felt on fire. His other hand tightened around the end of the paper he was holding, the crinkling sounded like fireworks.

Most of the day was spent with Garica looking people up, Spencer sitting useless behind her. He tried to find work to do but he kept zoning out, side eyeing the siliotue of the person in his peripheral.

"Reid?" Garcia made him look up,

"Hmm?" he hummed,

"How do you spell posterior?"

"P-o-s-t-e-r-i-o-r" Spencer replied, furrowing his brows, why did she know that word?

"Thanks my dear" Her fingers clicked away. The night was slow since they didn't have enough information to actually work with. Instead Garica had pulled up what looked to be a game on one of her monitors.

"Dont tell" she winked back at Spencer who just smirked and pulled out a book from his bag.

He couldn't focus though, the weathered pages felt familiar and comforting under his fingers but that was all he could really gather. He had to keep rereading the same line over and over and after a few tries he just sighed and set the book down on his lap. He let his head fall back, his airway pinching and making his let out a wheeze.

Spencer must've fallen asleep because Garica was shaking his shoulder and he was jumping awake.

"Lets go boy wonder" she smiles, nudging him before turning back to her desk. She rearagened a few things, collecting her empty mugs before turning back to Reid. he had packed back up, and stood in the doorway. Slightly rocking back and forth as he waited, his fingers tapping the strap of his bag.

They placed their empty mugs in the kitchenette, and then walked toward the elevator. Garica rambling on and on about whatever game she was playing before.

"Do you want to come over tonight? We could watch Doctor who!" she squealed, as the elevator doors opened to the parking garage.

"Not tonight, but that sounds nice" Spencer smiled slightly, ducking his head and letting his hair fall in front of his face. He climbed into Esters passenger seat, hugging his bag tightly to himself, the worn leather was cold.

Garica started to sing loudly to the sound on the radio, smiling over at Spencer. During a part of the chorus, she leaned over and almost touched his shoulder with her head.

"Watch the road!" Spencer whined, "37,461 people were killed in 34,436 motor vehicle crashes, an average of 102 per day. The average driver will have a car accident once every 18 or so years. This means that, over the course of lifetime, the average motorist will be in about 4 car accidents. I have yet to be in one and I want to keep it that way for as long as I can."

"Oh my god" Garcia giggled, focusing back on the road and over exaggerating her movement, her hands in the right places, sitting up straighter, smirking at the windshield, but Spencer didn't catch that.

"Thank you" Spencer muttered, not realizing she was teasing him.

The rest of the ride was uneventful, Spencer zoning out, and Garcia singing under her breath. 

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