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Tomorrow started earlier than Morgan planned since he was woken up by Spencer letting out a choked scream before loud sobs filled the room. Morgan jumped out of his bed quickly, slapping the light on with one hand, the other holding his gun out incase it was an attack. Instead he was met by Spencer rocking back and forth in the middle of the bed, alone.

"Reid?" Morgan slowly approached the young man, setting his gun back on the table.

"Sorry '' Spencer sniffles, his breathing still came and went in gasps but they seemed more controlled now.

"You don't need to apologise, what happened?" Morgan started to sit down on the edge of the bed. Spencer just shook his head, rubbing his hands down his face.

"I need to shower" Spencer stood up, pushing past Morgan and grabbing his bags. Morgan watched as he retreated into the bathroom, the light flicking on before the door closed shut, followed by the unmistakable click of the lock.

Morgan moved back to his bed, letting out a sigh when he saw they had to be up in almost two hours, was it worth it to get back to sleep? Morgan paced a few times between the beds, before sitting down. He went to lay down, but the thought of going back to bed while Spencer was clearly struggling just a few feet away from him, well the thought woke him up.

Instead he started up the coffee pot, and checked his phone. His finger hovered over Hotch's number, for some reason Morgan felt like he needed to tell the unit chief, but tell him what exactly? That Spencer was having vivid flashbacks and nightmares? With a shake of his head Morgan put his phone away. He will talk to Reid about it and they'll figure it out.

Morgan heard a thud come from the bathroom, but after tapping on the door a few times, he heard Spencer moving around in the bathroom.  So he left, he went and pulled his bag onto the bed and decided to look through the case file.

What Morgan didn't know was Spencer had gotten a strong grip on the yellow feeling in his chest.  Morgan wasn't aware that the thud he heard was Spencer falling to the shower floor, his head rolling around as the yellow spread from his elbow and throughout the rest of his body. The vibrancy in his chest was astonishing, making a weak smile form on Spencer's lips.

Spencer's finger dug into the grout on the shower floor, the rough feeling hardly being registered as the numbness settled in the Spencer's whole being. The nightmare that tore him from sleep already being forgotten, when he tried to think back on it, Spencer just saw blurry outlines. 

Spencer curled more into himself, the hot water scalding his spine as it pounded against his skin. He brought a hand up and pinched the bridge of his nose, his hair falling in front of his face, the strands slowly getting damper and wetter as the shower pelted him.  The shower floor tilted beneath him and as a result he slumped over onto his opposite side. His face hit the shower floor and water splashed into his nose, but he couldn't get his body to cooperate and move. The way he landed, he figured he covered the drain since the water levels were slowly rising.

Spencer Reid, genius, behavioral analyst, was going to drown on the shower floor.

But he didnt care.

The drugs in his system didn't let him care, and he didn't care that he didn't care.

Morgan got a sick feeling in his stomach, he'd been unsettled all night but this was different. Spencer was being too quiet in the bathroom, and Morgan didn't like that. The older man stood up and walked toward the bathroom door. He hesitated, his hand raised near his face and he leaned on the door frame. After a beat, he knocked on the door.

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