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"What are you doing here sweetness?" Morgan asked, his voice croaking in his sore throat and his tired eyebrow quirked up in question.

"We are all here chocolate thunder, we gotta help boy wonder!" Garcia said as she pushed past the man, her arms full of postarboards and Morgan could see glitter falling onto the floor behind her. Great. By the time she reached the kitchen table Morgan heard more voice's, he turned and saw the rest of the team coming up his drive. All wearing normal clothes, which was still a thing Morgan couldn't get over, seeing Hotchner look like a normal person, not the strict unit chief. They all smiled and said their hellos while they filed in, all making themselves comfortable around Morgan's table.

"Where's spence?" JJ asked, looking up from the craft show Garicia was setting up on the table to look between Morgan and the stairs.

"I'll go get him" Morgan sighs, turning on his heels and heading back upstairs. They were preparing for two people, which is scary enough, not the whole team.

Spencer was still curled up in the bed, he refused to get up earlier when morgan went to go eat breakfast.

"Kid" Morgan said softly, squatting down so he was eye level with the doctor. "Are you ready?"

No response.

"Now, I know we thought it was just going to be Hotch and Gideon, but you know how much we love you, turns out everyone came."

The only sign Spencer heard him was the sharp inhale of breath.

"We don't have to go down right now, we can wait a minute, let you get ready. But we are all here because we love you man, we aren't here to judge you, you aren't going to be in trouble. We want to help." He stopped talking, waiting for Reid to react.


"Lets, lets try to sit up huh?" He asked, slowly reaching out and setting his hand on the edge of the bed. "Please pretty boy?" He was almost whining, which he usually would be ashamed of, but he needed Spencer to get up. This seemed to work though, slowly the blanket uncurled, Spencer pulling himself up into the sitting position. The bags under his eyes were dark, clashing with his pale and clammy skin. His hollow cheeks made Morgan want to shove a burger down Spencer's throat.

"Hurts" Spencer coraked, his voice rough and dragging against his throat.

"I know '' Morgan frowned, having already seen this happen months before, he knew Spencer had to be feeling like absolute garbage. He tried not to react when he felt Spencer's hand wrap into his, the thin fingers were cold, and kept applying pressure in random places before relaxing.

"Want to change your clothes?" Morgan asked, looking down at the wrinkly sweatpants and tshirt that hung off the young man. He knew Spencer always tried to look his best, he's pretty sure he was the only one who has seen him look like this.

Spencer shook his head, but a shiver made him tighten his grip on Morgan's hand.

"Want a sweatshirt?"

Spencer nodded.

"Ok, hold on" Morgan had to twist his hand out of Spencer's grip, the young man was staring at nothing infront of him, his eyes unfocused, and he didn't seem to want to let go of Morgan's hand anytime soon. Once he got free he quickly went to his closet, pulling out his warmest and coziest hoodie, and old FBI one he got in the academy. He handed it to Spencer but the young man did not react.

"Come on, pretty boy," Morgan murmured, guiding Spencer into the hoodie, trying to ignore the wincing on Spencer's face from every movement. Once Reid was covered, he curled his hands up to his chest, his fingers rubbing the fabric between them.

"Lets go" morgan lightly gripped Spencer's elbow, helping him stand up. He stood up on shaky legs, "here, let me help you, and if you want you can walk on your own once we get down stairs."

Spencer nodded, his body slumping into morgans, whose arm quickly came around to hold spencer up. The duo slowly maneuvered down the stairs, once they got to the bottom, where everyone would be able to see them, Morgan felt Spencer lean away, his face screwed up in concentration as he slowly walked to the closest chair.

The room was thick, everyone was silent, trying not to let Spencer know they were all looking at him with worry.

But he knew.

Thankfully Garcia jumped right in,

"Hey boy wonder! Look! I made a nice chart and schedule, so we can all do something to help and we all know what's going on!" she proudly held up a poster board, splashes of glitter catching the light and making Spencer look away. But his small glances showed him the colored paper all separated and explaining, in detail, what everyone will do at all the times they will do it.

She had when he had AA, who would drive him, therapy, who would drive him. The order in which they would stay home with him if they were called away on a case until he was cleared to be back in the field. Who he would basically be living with in order to give Morgan some breaks.

When he could go back to the office, if he healed on track.

"The timeline is just an outline, I know you like schedules and plans so I tried to do research and figure out on average how long it takes for people to recover, and how it could fit in with everyone's craziness, and i hope it doesn't pressure you, because you are going to heal at your own pace, you could be faster or slower than this and that's perfectly fine. And-"

"Garcia" Hotchner cut her off with a gentle smile, "thank you". The blonde smiled while letting out a shaky breath before sitting down in her seat.

"Before you say anything, no you're not bothering us. We are going to help you, because we love you" JJ said, walking over to Spencer and putting a hand on his shoulder. His body seemed to slump under the weight, he was exhausted, mentally and psychically. He could feel his veins pulsing under his skin, each fiber of muscle felt like it was twisting the wrong way. Logically he knew he couldn't really feel these things, but logic goes out the window in times like these.

"You're not alone this time," Gideon said softly from his seat.

Spencer took in a deep inhale, slowly moving his eyes from one person to the next, the color yellow growing with each person he looks at.

He could do this.

He would have his family by his side, and with them, he could walk through the dark. 

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