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Spencer sat low in his seat at the round table, his leg bouncing up and down. If they go out, he will have to stay behind. Hotch just said he won't be going out until at least another week.

"Ok, so Ohio has a potential serial killer on their hands. There've been four similar murders, but only two has been positively linked."

Spencer felt his stomach drop, ohio, the team would have to leave. He would be alone.

"How have those two been linked but the other two havent?" Emily's voice brought Spencer back to the room. But not for long, his focus going toward the burning in the crook of his elbows.


He snapped his eyes up and looked at Morgan. Spencer needed Morgan.


No wait, no he didn't. He's fine.

He quickly averted his eyes before Derek noticed. If the team thought he couldn't be left alone, they wouldn't be able to focus on the case, and it would prove how much of a burden Spencer is. 

He felt the team around him standing up, my god how much was he zoning out? He totally missed the entire case. Hotchner was staring right at him, as the rest of the team filtered out to grab their stuff, Morgan lingered by the door but one glance from Hotch sent him to his desk.

"You're going to be staying here and working with Garcia," Hotch said, moving toward Spencer, who nodded and quickly opened the case file, reading everything they had to get caught up.

"And don't hesitate to call Morgan or I if you need us," Hotch said, stopping in front of the young doctor. This definitely wasn't what he wanted, leaving Spencer alone for a whole case not just one night like planned, but the team couldn't afford to have two or three people out any more. With Spencer gone, Morgan working from home the best he could, and Hotch totally distracted with the both of them, the team was behind.

"I told Garcia to have you glued to her hip so expect that"

Spencer winced at Hotch's words, great. The two turned and left the round room, the rest of the team was gone except for Morgan who sat on his desk waiting.

"Kid" Morgan smiled, but Spencer could see how worried Derek was, his smile didn't reach his eyes. "I'll stay behind if you need me"

"No Morgan, i'll be fine, i'll be with garcia and I promise to call you or Hotch if I need someone"

"You promise?"

"Yes" Spencer had to refrain from rolling his eyes, he felt like a child being left alone by his parents for the first time.

"Hotch I don't like this" Morgan said, looking over Reids shoulder at their unit chief.

"I'm not a huge fan of it either but I trust Reid, He'll be fine"

Spencer felt himself shrink a little into himself. They had a lot more faith in him than he did.

"Fine" Morgan sighs, pulling Spencer into a hug, which the younger quickly returns, burying his face in the crook of Derek's neck. Inhaling deeply Reid felt his shoulders relax a little, focusing on the scent of Morgan.

He can do this.

The two let go and Spencer gave a small wave as the two men hurried off to the plane. 

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