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Spencer spent the next half hour in the bathroom,  trying to take deep breaths. He stood hunched over a sink, his hands clenching around the porcelain and making his knuckles white.  The air coming through his throat felt hot and uncomfortable. Why couldn't he breathe? 

He took a step back before turning the faucet on and cupping his hands under the running water. He splashes water onto his face a few times before his eyes trailed up and saw their reflection. The skin around his eyes looked bruised, this wasn't new, but it was a lot darker than usual. Water dripped off the end of his nose and he sniffled before standing up and reaching for the paper towel.  After taking another deep breath he turned to and opened the door, right into Gideon.

"Hey, I was looking for you" the older man smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "We are heading back to the hotel, turning in for the night" Gideon steps back, holding an arm out for Spencer to walk past him. Spencer nods and does just that, hunching his shoulders as he walks next to his mentor to the dark SUV waiting for them in the parking lot.

Again the drive to the hotel was quiet, this time Morgan drove, Gideon in the passenger seat and Spencer in the back.  Once reaching their destination the men all silently got out of the car, grabbing their go-bags from the trunk. Reid followed the other two, his head down and focusing on placing one foot in front of the other.

"Morgan your with Reid" Gideons voice made the youngest snap his head up.

"Ok, come on pretty boy '' Morgan says, throwing a smile at Reid, which was missed because he was now glaring at the floor again. If he had to room with Morgan, there was no doubt that Derek was going to pester him about how he's been acting lately.

The two entered the musty hotel room, the key sticking slightly and making Derek groan. Reid quickly pushed past Morgan and ran into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him.

"Reid?" Morgan's voice and knock made anger flare up in Spencer's chest. He seriously couldn't have one moment alone? Derek didn't say anything else, it fell silent on the other side of the door. Spencer put his hands on the counter, stepping back so he was leaning over, his forehead almost touching the counter.

Then he stood up, sighing before reaching toward his bag. 

It's been seven hours.

His back hit the wall and Spencers hands sprawled against the wall to keep himself up.

Ok maybe a little too much.

He leaned against the wall and walked toward the shower, turning on the water to the shower. His numb fingers fumbling with the buttons on his shirt before he let out an angry growl. He got his pants off, and returned to his shirt. After struggling for a few more minutes he just grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it off over his head, the button snagged on his hair and he yanked harshly before it tore away, taking strands of hair with it.  He cursed under his breath before throwing the shirt into the pile of discarded clothes near the door. 

The water was hot, turning his skin pink and it prickled but Spencer forced himself to stay under the water. He rolled his neck, the water spraying over the top of his head and hitting his face.  He rolled his shoulders, the hot water, combined with the Dilaudid coursing through his system, this was what he needed.

His knees wobbled, but before Spencer could stop himself, he was falling to the floor. He landed awkwardly on his legs but his brain didn't register the pain that was supposed to come from landing on them and smashing into the wall.

"Spencer?"  Morgan's voice came through the door, but Spencer just smiled as his vision kept unfocusing. "Reid?" he heard the knob turning but he was grateful he locked it.

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