My savior?

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Rins P.O.V

As everything went black i did see a figure in the water swim towards me....i wonder...Len could it be you?.....and everything went black, untill i herd my name be called out by a familiar voice.


"Rin!! Please open your eyes!!"

*cough**cough* my chest hurts i must of swallowed a lot of water.

"Oh thank god your alive!" The voice said to me as I was sudenly hugged.

Who might this person be? He sounds familiar though. I was finally coming back to my senses and noticed that i was in a cave with walls that looked like they were made out of pink crystals....and then i noticed red hair...oh red hair like Akaito sensei.....EH?! I quickly pushed him away and saw that it was Akaito sensei!!! And he was wearing something totally different then what he normaly wore at school.

"Akaito sensei?! What are you doing hear?!"

"I should be asking you that!...."

Thats strange why is he hear though? glad he saved me but still something isn't right....he got up and put out his hand to help me up. I looked up at him and I could see he had that cold look in his eyes again. And I  couldn't shake this bad vibe i was getting from him so i slapped his hand away. For some reason I was feeling a little irritated with him..just like back in school sensei got in my way from getting to the computer lab, I felt like he was trying to do the same right he trying to stop me from getting the code this time?.....

"Neh why are you really hear?...." i asked as I got up by my self.

"Hu? What do you mean?" he asked supprised.

"Sensei your hiding something aren't know something that i don't, don't you sensei?!" I angrily said to him.

"Now now calm down Rin..lets just hed back shall we...and then everything can go back to the way it was...."

He quickly grabbed my wrist and tired dragging me with him. Hes hurting my wrist! I don't want to go with him! I have something i haf to do! A promise i need to fulfill!

"No let go sensei!" i angrily yelled trying to stand my ground. I manage to break free from his grip and quickly push him away, and he ended up falling in the water. I could tell that sensei was getting irritated with me as he angrily looked up at me.

"Why are you being so difficult!? If she finds out your hear ill haf to kill you! And everything I've done will go to waist!!" 

Hu? What is he talking about? Her? I knew there was something odd about him. He then started to get up and walk towards me all soaked. No...i dont want to go back....i hate it back allways alone.....i dont belong over there....i quickly turned around and started to run as fast as i could.

"WAIT!" I could hear sensei call out to me. But i didn't stop or look back untill i tripped over a rock. Ouch! I scrapped my knee again! I got up and noticed i had no idea of wear i was. What am i suppose to do now?!

"I need to find the Exotic code, but who knows how It looks like..." i said to my slef. When sudenly a pink haired girl appeared besides me, which really startled me!

"Don't worry youll know when you see it!' she said.

"Eh?! Who are you?!"  i said backing up a little.

"Eh me? Im Miki im the guardian of Melody Valley, and i think you owe me a thank you!" She said poking my face.

"why?" i asked a little bit annoyed.

"Last time i checked i saved your butt, Piko asked me to go help you and your two other friends from the black virus! I got stuck leaving my beutiful valley to assist you guys!" She said as she poked my face even harder.

"Oh...." It must of happened when i passed out then...i wonder what else happend?

"Well thanks then...." i said as I moved her hand away from my face.

"Hmp! Well what ever! just hurry up and find the code befor things get worse!"

And sudenly she dissapered and all that was left was pink star shaped dust. What a Strange girl so far I've met one guardian and that was Piko and now this pinked haired girl named Miki i wonder how many there are? And why can't they stop the virus them selves? I mean they are guardians for a reason right? Oh well i need to find the code, she said i would know when i found it, i hope that's true.....*sigh* I turned around to check if Akaito sensei didn't catch up, to find that the way i came was gone! All that there was now was a wall made from the pink crytal of the cave. I quickly went up to it and placed my hands over it and tapped it a little with my knuckles, yup its solid allright. But how did this happen? Did Miki do this?

I decided to see it as luck, if that passage way is really gone then Akaito sensei won't be able to reach me phew. I decided to keep walking foward since there was no other place to go. Untill i finally came across three separe passage ways. Ugh! Just grate, ive seen this happen in movies one is usually a dead end the other a trap and one the correct passage.... but then there's allso those one times when they are all traps?! Daing it which one should I choose then?!

Electric AngelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora