A cranky morning

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After Luka put me in a head lock she finally let go and then sudenly smacked me over the head with a metal plate!! Which really hurt!!

"OUCH!! WHAT THE HELL?! Why does everyone smack me over the head?!" I angrily said as I placed both of my hands behind my head were a new bruse started to form.

"What the hell you mean my cooking sucks hu?! You damm brat since your memories are coming back let me help you remeber you of the butt woopen you use to get from me!" Luka angrily said with fire in her eyes as her grip on the plate grew tighter making a dent in it.

Seeing Luka this scary really made me want to forget my memories of her! I quickly turned around to run away when I crashed in to someone and fell back. I looked up to find Teto with two other girls I have never seen before.

"Im Neru and thats Haku were mechanics that work for this evil woman" the blond girl said pointing at Luka.

"Tsk! Who are you calling an evil woman hu?" Luka said annoyed.

"N-neh...Neru please don't make her mad...or else she'll hit us...." the Gray haired girl said allmost crying.

"Hmp! Fine" the blond gril said looking away.

Neru took a look at the aircraft and was suprised by the damage made on the wings.

"Well it was obviously sabotaged, but who would do this?" Neru said looking at the inside of the broken wing.

"*sigh* let's just say we don't get along with certain people...." Luka then said standing besides the little mechanic.

"Hmp! Thats a first, Well any who me and Haku can't fix it with out all our tools, and the old man down at the shop would be a great help, since big machines like these are his specialty" Neru then said wiping some dirt off her hands.

Well we couldn't leave right now so we all decided to bunk out in the woods and leave tomorrow in the morning to Nerus place. Luka went and looked for supplies in the jet and luckly she had a bunch of pillows and blankets for everyone. As everyone looked for a place to sleep inside the jet, Teto and Meiko fought for the spot next to me.*sigh* apperantly they both want to sleep by me...After a while of them fighting and arguing I ended up sleeping in the middle of the two idiots. I closed my eyes and fell asleep and started to dream. In my dream i herd Mayu call out to me. She was all alone crying in the dark, she seamed really sad and lost. I ended up walking towards her and hugging her. I told her everything was going to be allright and I sudenly woke up. When I woke up I saw that everyone was still asleep. I quietly got up and stretched a little. As I stood outside the aircraft the forest seemed really beutiful and peaceful, so I decided to go for a little walk. I dont know why I did that but I decided to, I just hope I don't get lost.

As I walked I only thought to my self about my starnge dream. Why would Mayu want my help? As I kept on wondering around I swer I saw Mayu sitting all by her self. But when I got closer no one was there,  I geuss my mind was just playing tricks on me. Maybe I should go back, I thought to my self when I herd Teto call my name out.

"Rin!!!" She yelled as she flew over me.

"Hey whats up?" I responded looking up.

"Why did you wonder off like that?! We thought something bad had happend to you!!" She angrily said flying down.

Oh! I wasn't expecting her to get this worried, I mean I just went out for a walk. She doesn't have to be so angry about it. I mean its not like Im a child, I can take care of my self. What made things worse was that Meiko and everyone caught up to Teto, and for some reason they were mad as well.

"Rin! Don't go wondering in the forest by your self!" Meiko angrily said as she put her hands over my sholders.

"And why can't I?! All I did was go out for a walk!" I said getting a mad.

"Thats why! Are you dumb or something you can't wonder around all by yourself when your the electrict angel! You do remeber that your the black viruses target right?!" Luka then added on.

"Ya you should think these things through Rin!" Teto then said trying to grab my hand, but I quickly jerked it back and brushed Meikos hands off.

I can't belive their mad at me just because I decided to go out for a walk, I didn't want to disrupt their sleep so I quietly left. I don't see what I did wrong. I know im the electrict angel and all but so what? That doesn't make me any diferente then who I use to be. Im well aware that Gumi could come for me anytime but I felt safe when I left for a walk, so everything was fine. I only angrily backed a way a little as Teto and everyone else were surprised by my actions.

"I don't understand why you guys are acting like this? If this is your way of treating me then im...im better off alone!" I angrily said with out even thinking if my words would hurt them.

I was just really mad at the moment and i felt like my freinds were getting mad at me for no reason. Even though I have remembered them I still have an issue with peopel after spending four years all alone in that other world. I backed away as Meiko tried touching me. She only looked at me with a shocked look and sudenly a gaint beam if light came out no wear spliting open the ground a little and sepparating me from everyone.

"RIN!" They all yelled.

There was dust around me when I sudenly saw a figure of someone I didn't recognize. The figure then ran after me and grabbed my hand pulling me away.  As I was pulled away another beam passed by me barely missing. The figure let go of my hand and then quikcly moved some were else as it dodged some gaint scissors! If these scissors are hear that could only mean one thing! Gumi is hear!

"GUMI! Show your self!" I said standing my ground.

"Hmp! So your finally strong enough to fight me then? Well let's see how strong that code of yours really is" I herd Gumis voice, as I saw ger slowly appear from the dust that was clearing up.

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