A shooting star to the rescue?

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Meikos P.O.V

Things are only getting worse and worse!! What should I do. Akaito was getting up and he seemed beyond pissed. And then Gumi was just calmly watching everything happen, what is she waiting for?! She thinks this is a game?!

"*Yawn*...this is getting boring...maybe I should get rid of them my self"Gumi sais

"Eh?! No wait I can do it my self!" Mayu quickly complained back

"Oh keep quite Mayu! Ill do it!" Akaito said to Mayu

"But Akaito I was hear first!"

It seamed the two were starting to argue among them selves when Gumi sushed them.

"This is taking to long ill do it my self!"

"Wait!, bu-" Akaito didn't seam to agree with Gumi which only angered her.

"What is it Akaito? Still attached to the blond one?"

Akaito was completely quite and he angrily looked away. Gumi then stepped foward and Len followed her. But she then told him she could do it her self and the Crystal Diamonds vanished along with len.

"Teto hurry get Rin!"

"O-ok!" She said trying to carry Rin.

I haf to be prepare for what shes going to do. I haf to protect them no matter what! Even if it costs me my life!

"Hmp! You think that you can really take me on? Deadly code activate!, Devine Blades!" Gumi said with a sinister look.

Gumi brought her hand up and suddenly a bunch of Scissors appeared around her! Theres no way I can stop them! And Teto can't get away with out getting butchered! Were going to die!

"Well this is good bye.....my freind....."

Gumi brought her arm down and all the Scissors followed. They were all headed our way. And there was nothing I could do.......I just stood there and waited for them to hit me, Teto had grabbed Rin covering her with her body as a shield....but what good will that do now?...

But at that very moment something quickly fell from the sky right infront of me , i remeber it was something sparkly, what a shooting star? But in broad day light? There was a bunch of dust everywhere making it hard to see what was happening.  When I sudenly herd a car honking. I quickly turn so see that it was Luka! No way what is she doing hear?! As I turn back around I see a pink haired android looking girl infront of me.

"Ill help you guys just this once because Piko asked me to, ok" the girl said to me

"Eh?! Who are you?!" I demanded as I pointed my gun at her. (I lost the other one when Akaito kicked me)

"Hmp! Im Miki, and if I were you I would go befor things get worse..."

"What about the Scissors?!"

"Don't worry about it, know go!"

I had no other choice but to retreat like she said.

*honk* *honk*

"Meiko lets go!!!!" Teto called out to me.

"Fine! Im coming!!!!"

I quickly jumped in Lukas white convertable and she sped away.

"Were going to go In to hyper speed mode, I recommend you to were your seat belts!"

After a couple of minutes we were finally far away and there was no sign of Gumi or the others, thank god. I only let a huge sigh and laid back in the car seat as Luka gave me a "your hopeless" look.

"Its bin a while hasn't it?" Luka said to keeping her eyes on the road.

"Ya it has.....how did you find us?"

"A starnge android looking girl came by telling me were you were...."

"Really......." hmm could it have bin the girl from earlier?

"So what was all that earlier!?" She then asked.

"*sigh* its a long story, but I found her...."


"Look back...."

Luka looked through her mirror and she sudenly hit the breaks a hard as she could, causing Teto to crash in to the car seat.

"What the hell!!! Can't you drive more carefully you have a wounded person back hear!!!" Teto angrily yelled.

"No way!Is that..Rin?!"

Im really tired....Im going to rest my eyes for just a sec......I'll let Teto and Luka take care of the rest.....just for a little while...ok..

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