A plan Failed

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Rins P.O.V.

So i had told everyone my "decision" and Meiko was completely shocked and those two other people who seemed familiar only left the room. I geuss they have nothing to do with this anyways. And Teto was quite for some reason, starnge I thought she would have something to say.

Oh well...but of corse I wasn't serious. I do have planned to activate it but I don't want Meiko or anyone else to get involved. I dont want them to get hurt. I want to do this on my own. So Meiko finally gave up on trying to make me activate the code but she was really mad though.

"Fine! If your going to act like a selfish brat about it then so be it"

And like that Meiko left the room and Teto managed to slip out somehow. *sigh* why is Meiko so hot headed....oh well ill leave once everyone is a sleep. I waited and waited untill it was finally midnight. I was sneaking out through the room window... when I was completely startled.

"And were might you be going?"

"Omg! Teto?! You freaking scared me!! What are you doing out hear?!"

"Well isn't that obvious im waiting for you duh!"

"Why would you be waiting for me!"

"Its pretty obvious you had planned to do things on your own....so I thought I'd wait and see what you would do...."

*sigh* Teto is alot smarter than I thought....fine ill let her come since it looks like shell wake everyone up if I say no. so much for doing things on my own.....

"Fine! But don't tell anyone else ok!"

"Hehe! Of cores I won't..but lets take Lukas car, look what I got"

Teto took out some car keys and shook them a little.Eh?! No way she stole them?!

"Come on!"

Teto dragged me up to a white convertable and sat right in it. She turned on the engine and told me to get in.

"Umm do you know how to drive?"

"Of corse not! But I seen how Luka turned on the auto pilot"

And sudenly I herd someone yell from the top floor of a window. When I looked it was that pink haired girl! This must be her car since she seemed pretty mad! And meiko sudenly ran out the house yelling at us as well. Oh god! My plan was completely ruined!!!!!

"Come on Rin!"

Daing it ill haf to get in the car!!! I jumped in and the car started to drive on its own. I turned around to see Meiko yelling at me and then she ended up tripping over who knows what..pfft!.Im sorry but I don't want you to get hurt..Im sorry its just so funny and im trying so hard not to laugh, *giggle* Meiko you can be such an idiot sometimes.....

"RIN!!!!! YOU IDIOT!!!!! WERE ARE YOU GOING?!........"

Oh well shell be happy once i activate the electric angel and bring Len back.

"Teto were are we going anyways? "

"To find the Exotic code I went snooping around Lukas place and found out that if one fails to correctly activate the code or is rejected by it then it will go back to were it originally was...."

"Which is?"

"In melody valley"

Hmm, That name...it sounds familiar....have I allready bin there? Who knows....I geuss I'll find out once we get there.....That is if Teto had checked if the car actually had gass.

"Teto!! How did you not check if it had gass!?"

"I'm sorry gosh!I thought it would be full! I geuss it got used up when Luka went in to hyper speed mode...."

"*Sigh* so what now well walk there?..."

"Ya I geuss....."

Well this is nice, my plan failed and now were stuck walking who knows how many miles.....at least Meiko isn't around to get hurt, but will Teto be allright? She was allready injured once but she did say that she heals quickly but still....I can't help but worry I dont want anyone getting hurt because of me.

"Rin you dont haf to worry about me ill be alright...im a chimera I heal a lot faster and I'm a lot stronger than what I look!"

"*sigh* what ever, just don't get too carried away, ok"

"He he! No promises!"

Who knows what new obstacles await us...but I won't run away anymore! I promised Len that I would choose my path and save him from the black virus!

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