Obstacles in my way

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I had decided that I was going to go back and check out the weird computer lab. I needed to confirm weather my experience yesterday was real or just a crazy dream. But when I got to school sensei was waiting for all the students to get in to the class. "Just great..." I mumbled under my breath.

"Good morning Rin glad to see you came to class today"

"Ya I geuss, but why are you waiting outside the class for?"

"Well to make sure all of my students show up for class of corse, you wouldn't have had planned to wonder off to some other place would you?"

But befor I could even answer I was sudenly pushed.

"Ohayo sensei your looking as handsome as allways.!!!"

Tch! I recognize that annoying voice when I turned around I saw Mayu kissing up to sensei (like usual). She then quickly gave me a get lost look and then went back to admiring sensei. blech!

"Oh good morning Mayu why wont you go take your seat...."

"Oh why?! I want to keep on talking to sensei!!!"

"Is that so, well if you didn't notice I was speaking to your class mate Rin befor you came and shoved her aside. ..."

Senseis tone had changed a little and he had that dark look in his eyes again. Mayu was suprised and went in to the class right away. She gave me once more an evil glare befor going in and then she took her seat.

I then walked in to the class and took my seat like usual. I geuss ill try to sneek in to the class room during break. Finally when 4th period was over I quickly grabbed my bag and tried leaving the class. But befor I could actually leave Mayu stood in my way.

"Tch!you know you really piss me off Rin!"

"Is that so?"

"Stop getting in the way of me and sensei!!!"

"Hu? Me get In your way what are you talking about?"

"Ha! Just because he acts like he cares it doesn't mean that he really cares about you! Don't forget hes our sensei its his job to worry about us! So don't get the wrong idea!"

"I think your the one whos got it all wrong then..doesn't that apply to you to..your just a student like me after all right?"

Mayu was infuriated with what i told her and next thing I knew she had slapped me.

"What do you know!! Your allways in the way!!!!"

The whole class was sudenly silent and was staring at us. I stood there as I felt my cheeck sting. As I stood there I felt a little fire build up inside of me and sudenly i snapped. I quickly dropped my bag and tackled Mayu. I lost control of my anger and just started hitting her In the face. I could hear her and the rest of the classmates yell at me to stop. I wanted to stop but I couldn't I was fed up with Mayu and her nasty additude towards me. I was getting ready to punch her in th face when suddenly I felt my self be lifted up. A boy from the class had lifted me off Mayu hoping to stop the fight.

Mayu was quickly helped up by her group of freinds as I was dragged away from her. I quickly broke free from the boys grip and charged towards Mayu.

"You bitch! My nose is bleeding! You'll pay for this!!" Mayu barked as she pushed her freinds away.

"Well Maybe ill break this time!" I yelled as I charged towards her but then I herd my name be called out again, I froze as I was distracted and sudenly I got hit in the face. I fell back and then noticed Mayu had punched me and had busted my lip, but this just made me angrier. I quickly grabbed her ankle and pulled her to the floor. Ready to beat the crap out of her I grabbed her by her shirt colar and clenched my fist when we were sudenly stopped. Akaito sensei had ran In to the room with some more teachers and they quickly broke the fight appart.

Akaito sensei pulled me away from Mayu as another teacher helped Mayu. Mayu tried playing the victim and strated telling the teacher it was all my fault. I quickly argued that it wasn't true but we were both told to be quite and were escorted to the principles office. There in the office we were only yelled at by the principle.


I swer I wasn't in the mood to deal with the stupid principle. And It really wasn't my fault, all I wanted was to leave the stupid class. Dam it! Mayu is allways getting in my way! As the principle continued yelling he was sudenly inturupeted by the vice principal. The principal left the office and told us to wait in there for him. Mayu was only quite as she wipped the blood from her nose. My lip wasn't as bad as what i did to Mayu but it still hurt.

I sat in there impatiently as I herd my name again. I quickly got up as I strateld Mayu.

"Wha- what!? You wanna go again?!Br-bring it on!"

"Can you shut up?!"

Mayu was shocked by my answer and she strated at me as I left the office.

"Hey! where are you going?!"

But I didn't even respond I quickly ran out the office and straight to the very top floor of the school. On my way there I herd Akaito sensei start asking were I was and suddenly he was running after me along with some other teacher. Dam it! Why does everyone get in my way?!

I ran and ran allmost tripping on the stairs. until I was finally at the end of the hall way. Caching my breath i stood infront of the creppy door. Behind this door is were my weird experience began. I opend the door and went right in. The door closed and I walked towards the computer that was all alone.

So it wasn't a dream after all. I went up to it and turned it on. The same program started to download. As I waited I suddenly herd a loud knocking on the door. It was Akaito sensei.

"RIN! Open up! I know your in there!!"

"G-go away!!!"

I yelled and sudenly my outfit changed, I was wearing that sailor suit again and had this light shining aura around me.

I looked at the door and sudenly a bunch of number codes spread around the door as sensei hit the door the numberd glowed. From the sound of it I geuss it pushed sensei away from the door because I herd him yell and then a loud thud sound.

"Thats so weird...."

I quickly turned to the computer and placed my hand over the screen and suddenly said "Vocaloid 02 initiate!" Weird ive never said those words in my life but for some reason I said them and it seamed like something so natural to me. After i said that the program completely stared up  and was sucked right in.

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