The Black Virus and the Exotic Code

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As I woke up Mekio and Teto were there calling my name. Meiko quickly hugged me when she saw that I was wide awake.

"Don't scare me like that!!!"

"Im sorry......"

Im such an nuisance, i can't seem to do anything right and I don't know what im even doing hear.....whats my purpose?....all ive done is hurt Teto and Meiko....I need to find out who I really am, and why was I brought to this strange world?......

"Meiko was it?"


"By any chance did I ever know a girl with teal hair?"

Meiko seemed disturbed when I asked her that. She seemed even more devastated, that she actually began to cry a little. But she quickly stoped her self and wiped her tears away. Teto left the room saying she was gonna look around the clinic with momo, she must of felt akward.....I dont blame her.

"Im sorry...did I ask too much?..."

"No no thats not it im the one whos sorry just that I can't get over what happend to her thats all......"

"The teal haired girl? "

"Ya.....her name is Miku, Hatsune Miku you guys were close freinds as well, and your brother use to chase after her all the time...."

"Brother?.....I dont have a brother, I have allways bin an only child....."

"Eh?! What are you talking about? You forgot him too? His name was Len and you guys were identical twins..."

First I have freinds I don't remeber and now a brother?! Like the hell is going on?! I started to scratch my head from frustration and then I took a deep breath...I need to calm down.

"Well you can tell me about my "brother" some other time but Miku tell me more about her....."

"Well after Gakupo returned with the Exotic Code, It was given to Miku to fully activate the electric angel, but everything went wrong..."

"What do you mean?.."

"When she tried activating it, it completely rejected her and allmost killed her....ever since that day shes bin in a deep slumber.....we have no idea how to wake her up or if theres even a way......"

"Oh....and this code what is it?"

"Well it said that when activated, it will activate the electric angel in the form of a vocaloid thats suppose to bring peace to this world and destroy the black virus......."

"Black virus?"

When I asked that quickly Teto peeked her head in to the room.

"Ehh?! You don't remember about it?! Im sure you would of herd something about it while being out in the town....."

"Sorry but I geuss i don't remeber, and no one has mentioned it before....."

*sigh* "well the black virus is the reason that we utaus aren't that liked or trusted, vocaloids asume the black virus was born from the creation on an utau, but theres no proof that it was an uatu it could be an entire different kind of oid that we don't even know about..."

"Oh I see so in order to stop this black virus you need that code, that I supposedly went to look for right?"

"I geuss"

Meiko just nodded her head agreeing with Teto. Things just ended up getting more complicated, apperantly I was her yet I dont remember a thing, i have freinds and a brother I "dont remember" and know there's a killer virus person out loose. *sigh* But I wounder if the black virus was the reason the scenery were I found Teto was destroyed?

"Teto do you remeber how you got your wound?"

"Oh that im not too sure after you dissapered, Gumi did too and I was attacked by a girl with black hair and that's all I really don't think that the black virus attacked me do you?"

"Ummm Im not sure because the whole area was destroyed and the ocen had bin turned pitch black and then you were attacked by a girl with black hair, so maybe it could of bin the black virus....."

"Eh?!No way!!Teto-chan would of bin dead if she was attacked by the virus!!!!"

Teto quickly got mad at Momos comment and wacked her over the head. I swer these two are odd ones. And then Momo went in to the corner to cry when she suddenly jolted up.

"Ehhhhhh!!! Im super late!!!Bruno is going to yell at me if im late again!!!!!"

And like that Momo dashed out the clinic and I geuss she headed to Brunos dinner. And sudenly Meiko got up and gave me a serious look.

"Rin..I may be asking for to much but may be your the one who can activate the code.....if it wasn't Miku, then could it be you?...."

Eh what is she talking about me activate a code I know nothing about?!

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