The former Angel

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Tetos POV

Rin I lost her again...for some reason everything got really messed up. First we all sorta snapped at Rin, we were mysteriously attacked, then Gumi appeared, suddenly two more other people show up and caused Rin to fall in to this pit in the ground and now im stuck in this cabin with everyone when I could be looking for Rin! Those two people I wonder who they were? Well now its just me and everyone else in this little carbine, Meiko only walked back in forth as she thought of a plan which was really driving me crazy!

"Tsk! Will you sit down already!" I angrily shouted at Meiko from my seat.

"What you say?! You wanna go red head!" She angrily said getting in my face.

"Hmp! Bring it but it's your funereal!"I said getting up.

"Hey don't fight in my house, that won't help the situation now settle down!" Suddenly shouted a girl with long pinkish blond hair.

"Who's the brat?" Meiko said.

The girls right eye only twitched a little as she angrily walked towards Meiko and grabbed her by her vest.

"Look hear I've been alive for over 100 years kid, so watch your mouth! The only reason any of you are even alive is because of your blond little friend got it!" She then said letting go.

100 years she said?! Hows that even possible she at least looked around my age! I wonder who this strange girl is? The girl let a sigh as she then apologized for her nasty attitude.

"*sigh* sorry it's just that im a little stressed that's all...your friend did something dangerous and stupid to be honest...and who knows how bad things will turn out..."

"What do you mean?" Luka then asked after being silent for the longest time.

"Well the electric angels purpose sort of changed when Miki and Piko were sealed away years ago, after the re-incarnated electric angel was found she would have to activate the code and make the seal on them stronger making sure they didn't escape back in to our world...but she released them..." the young girl said looking down.

"What can you tells us about the electric angel our knowledge on it is a bit vague, I would like to know more of what we  actually got our selves in to?" Luka said looking at the girl.

"All right then...
Long ago I had a good friend named Lenka. She had long beautiful golden blond hair and she loved making peace with others, one day she was given the power of the electric angel from a round mysterious sphere that fell in to our world. That same sphere gave me my powers that made me the guardian of this forest, Miki and Piko got their powers as well. Miki was a guardian of a beautiful crystal cave and Piko was the guardian of the skies...but Piko was manipulative and wanted more power. He was able to get Miki to follow him and they both fell in to darkness. Lenka had no other way of giving them more power and even if she did she didn't want to give it to them since they wanted the power for evil... Lenkas purpose in this world was to keep the balance and make sure everyone was safe, and if a threat came up she would have to eliminate it..."

"Is that what happened to her?" Luka asked.

"Lenka gave up her life form to seal Piko and Miki away she had also gave a knight a task to find her re-incarnated form and help her fight if any threats appeared..." The girl said

"A Knight?" I then asked.

"Ya but im not sure who's the knight she chose...and her re-incarnation resembles her so much and this boy does as well..."

"Oh thats because Rin and Len are twins" Meiko said.

"Twins?...then that's why she had a hard time stopping the green haired girl!"

"Gumi? Why?" I asked

"Well from what you guys are telling me im guessing Lenkas soul split in two when she was re-incarnated, your friend activated the code but because she has a twin brother she only got half the power, in other words the activation was never complete.." she then said

"Hu?! So then she needs Len to fully activate it?!" Luka said shooting up from a chair startling Gakupo.

"Basically...But still that girls job was to make sure Miki and Piko were sealed off *sigh* I need to go find her!" The girl then said walking towards the door.

"Wait! Take me with you!" I shouted.

"Hey! Me too! Teto isn't the only worried about her!" Meiko then said

"Then can I go as well?" A voice said from the back of the room.

We all looked back to find Len getting up as he yawned scratching the back of his head. Meiko quickly went towards him and gave him a big hug.

"Len!!!! Your finally back!!!" Meiko shouted as she hugged him tightly.

"Meiko! Your suffocating me!!" he shouted

Meiko let go of the blond twin as he then approached us, he was then standing in front of me when he suddenly bowed his head.

"Thank you so much for always looking out for my sister! I couldn't ask for a better friend for her!"

I turned bright read of embarrassment and quickly told him he didn't have to bow his head down. He only gave me a smile that looked exactly like Rins, I couldn't help but smile back.

"As much as I want to take you guys I can't...your friend asked me to bring you guys to a safe location so that's what I did. Its not safe out there so stay hear ok!"

"Sorry but we refuse...Rin is our friend and were going to help her!" Luka said surprising us all.

Luka and the girl only glared at each other until the girl sighed and looked away.

"Fine!" She then said

It was settled we were going to save Rin! Gakupo got his kantana as he followed behind Luka and Meiko only put her arm around Lens shoulder as she began picking on him. I looked back and noticed that Neru and Haku weren't in the room. Weren't they brought back with us?! I quickly called out to everyone and asked them where Haku and Neru were. But no one had seen them since the commotion in the forest, did something happen to them?

"The blond girl and the grey haired girl i saw them in the forest but they then disappeared..." The girl with pinkish blond hair said.

"I hope they're alright, oh and by the way whats your name?" i asked

"Me? I'm IA, and don't you forget it...Now lets go find your friend!" she said with a smirk.

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