26. The Meeting- 2

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"But I don-" Jackson was cut off.

Jungkook pulled his hands out of his pockets and placed it on my waist, abruptly pulling me closer towards him. I was startled by his sudden action and looked at him wide eyed. He didn't look at me at all.

I looked at Jimin who didn't mind it at all whereas when I looked at Lisa, her gaze was completely on Jungkook's hands which was on my waist. She was taken aback by his movements too. She looked up at me and smiled, I weakly smiled back at her.

"Either we attend the meeting together or we don't attend at all." Jungkook said looking at him right in the eye.

"Whatever. Come along." Jackson said completely furious by the whole situation. He led us to the elevator.

"What is wrong with you? Take your hands away Jungkook." I whispered to Jungkook as I tried to remove his hands off from my waist and I was successful in taking his hands off my waist.

We followed Jackson to the elevator and got in. Jungkook pushed me to the corner and stood in between me and Jackson.

"So, what is the meeting about Mr. Wang?" I asked him as I peeked at him.

"You can just call me Jack. And I'll tell you that when we reach the meeting hall."I smiled at me.

We got off the elevator and reached the meeting hall. It was not a huge room but was enough looking at the number of employees working here. Jimin and Lisa were made to wait outside the hall.

The meeting started and he told us about his company a little as an Introduction. I liked the way he managed his company, but Jungkook was nowhere interested in what Jackson was talking.

"So that's how my company works... You seem pretty impressed Y/n" he said with a wide grin.

"I am Mr. Wang." I smiled back.

"Call me Jackson, I'm fine with that." I said while pouting a little.

"Yeah! Call him 'Jackson oppa'." Jungkook smirked at Jackson and then looked at me.

"Let's just focus on work for now. Did you just call us here to tell us about your company?" I asked him.

"Of course not." He said and took a deep breath before continuing.

"I want you to sign a contract with me." He said

"What kind of a contract?" I asked him completely surprised by the statement.

"I want you and your boyfriend to model for my upcoming product."

Boyfriend? What does he mean?

"What are you talking about? I don't have a boyfriend" I said completely shocked by what he said.

"The boy in the gym. He said he was your boyfriend right?" he asked back.

"Oh! You mean Taehyung?" I was cut off with Jungkook fake coughing. I looked at him and knew that the man sitting beside me was pissed. Either way, I continued. "He's not my boyfriend, he's just a department head in my company." I finished with a sigh.

"Great. So, will you sign the contract?" he asked me; nervousness was completely shown in his face.

"Of course not. Why will she model for your company? Neither has she done any modeling course nor has the other employee of hers." Jungkook replied.

"Have you seen her social media? Just with nine simple pictures she has 63k+ followers on almost all her social media accounts. It's beneficial for both the companies." He said logically.

"That's because I had been to abroad and made quite a lot of friends. But I'll think about your offer Mr. Wang."

I knew Jackson's company was one of the branches of the brand Gucci. It was beneficial for our company too. I would consider the offer but I wanted to ask Taehyung once too.

"Thank you so much Y/n. I'll be more than happy if you'd accept this." He said as Jungkook and I started to get up from our seats.

"Thank you for having us here Mr. Wang." I said and bowed at him.

"The pleasure's all mine" he said. I looked at Jungkook hoping for him to say a goodbye but instead he just pulled me out with him.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me out of the meeting hall with him.

"What's wrong with you today? Calm down Jungkook." I whisper yelled at him.

"Wait until we get out of this place." He said.

We got out of the meeting hall and yet again Lisa saw Jungkook's arms wrapped around my waist and her eyes widened. He didn't stop and continued to pull me to the elevator. Jimin and Lisa quickly joined us. We entered the elevator and Jackson just stood by the entrance door's frame and smiled at me. The elevator door closed and I let out a deep breathe that I doidn't even realize that I had held.

"Are you thinking to consider his offer?" Jungkook asked with wrath filled in his eyes.

"You can actually take your hands off now Jungkook." I said with a slight smile to calm him since I could feel a slight sting on my waist due to the massive amount of force he applied on my skin.

"I don't want to though." He said looking down at his feet.

Jimin cleared his throat from behind us making sure he knows there are others in the elevator to. Jungkook slowly took his hands away.

"Are you guys together?" I heard Lisa ask us from behind which made all the three of us look back at her.

"We are not, but I lov-"

"Lisa... we should hang out girl. It's been soo long." I knew what he was gonna tell so I cut him off.

"I would love to Y/n... I mean Ms. Kim.... Bu-"

"Don't talk to me Lisa." I cut her off and the elevator door opened widely. We all got off and started walking.

"Why? What happened?" she asked me.

"You just broke my heart by calling me Ms. Kim" I wiped my fake tears. She chuckled slightly and seeing her happy again I smiled too.

"Come with me for lunch Y/n" Jungkook interrupted our sweet moment.

"Mr. Park still has got work to complete since Taehyung is on leave." I said.

"I'm not asking Mr. Park. It's just the both of us." He said with a pout. I chuckled and shook my head.

"We'll surely do that on a different day Jungkook, but today I really can't. I still need to talk to Taehyung and with my dad about this." I said.

"Then join me for dinner tonight. Pretty please." He showed me his beautiful puppy eyes and trust me my heart literally melted.

"God, this man is so stubborn." I hung my head down.

"I'll take that as a 'yes' then. Bye sunshine." He said left me standing dumbfounded. I looked at Jimin,

"He's always the stubborn kid in the group. He doesn't give up until he gets what he needs." He said proudly.

"Yeah right, let's go." We started walking and Jimin spoke again.

"I hope you remember that he wants you too Ms. Kim." I looked at him, completely taken back.

"You know?" I asked him.

"We never hide anything with the boys Y/n." he said with a proud grin. I smiled at him and we left.



I can smell jealousy from all around....

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