028 : "i knew better"

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season four , episode eleven : you wish

chapter twenty eight

where she copes without him

Hailey glanced at Adam's desk as she walked back in from the the locker room. It was empty for only a day before Kenny Rixton occupied his spot on the team. It was hard to realize that Adam was gone and it was a possibility he wasn't going to come back at all.

Jay blamed himself for it but Hailey was more than enough guilt on her back for Adam's disappearance. Hank's announcement of Adam's absence only caught Antonio and Kim off guard due to Kevin being informed from Adam and Erin being told by her boyfriend about it.

Jay Halstead looked at his sister who threw her messy blonde hair into a ponytail. She wasn't herself and he knew it. He heard her cry multiple nights and he couldn't deal with it, sometimes he even tortured himself and stand by the door , hearing her soft sniffles. When he tried to comfort her on multiple occasions , she only pushed him away and wanted to be alone.

He wasn't the one she wanted to comfort her , he wasn't at all.

He stood up and walked out with Kenny Rixton before visiting a so called special police force for their case. Kenny sighed as they got back in Jay's truck and going back to the precinct, they don't each other quite well but he was trying to see if the unit would be a right fit for him.

"So you and Erin are dating ? Right or it's you and Hailey ?"

Jay looked at him like he was crazy and Kenny just laughed.

"Man I don't know , it seems like there's this weird triangle between you three and it's a lot of tension."

"Well the tension is majority my fault." Jay admitted. Kenny looked at him.

"What did you do ?"

"Long story short , the guy you replaced Adam ?" Jay said and Kenny nodded. "He was kinda dating my sister which is Hailey. They did it behind my back and I basically went off of the both of them and I started doing stupid stuff and saying stupid stuff. Then the tension was really, I mean really terrible."

"I would figure that."

"So he decided to go undercover for awhile because he told me himself that he didn't want to be the reason why me and Hailey weren't close anymore. Now my sister , she's mad at me for ruining her relationship and Erin , my girlfriend , is mad at me for ruining their relationship."

"Oh." Kenny nodded , looking out the window. " He seems like a great guy if he's willing to do that if he really wants you and Hailey to be close again."

"Just sucks that it took him leaving for me to realize that."

Kenny didn't say a word to Jay and it was now silent. Kenny had finally realized why he was slightly given a cold shoulder as soon as he arrived. He had replaced an original member of the unit and had replaced someone's boyfriend.

Now that he knew that , he was waiting for Adam to come back so he could go.


"What about this guy ?" Voight questioned as he knocked his knuckles slightly against the board on the picture of Sergeant David Lowdell. He turned around to the unit and Kenny was the one to speak.

"I talked to a former officer for the special police , who's now in CPD with us." He spoke before leaning against his desk. "And he spent a couple months with Linden Homes and he says that Lowdell had a bounty system. Cash bonuses are paid out when problem tenants are evicted."

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