013 : "just get out."

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season five , episode thirteen ; chasing monsters

chapter thirteen

where he finds out the truth

Hailey kept quiet with Jay as she sat on a small brown stool. A small business owner who's business that had been going on 30 years was brutally murdered by an El Savador gang that now infiltrated Chicago. Her pen stayed in her hand as she kept the binder on her lap. A laptop on the window ledge ahead of her along with her coffee cup and camera. On the other side of the ledge was her partner.

He was standing on the other side , a stool behind him , him tapping away at his laptop at surveillance , his camera beside him as well.

Kevin and Adam were inside Pilsen bakery across the street from the old business. Kevin was keeping an eye out while Adam was stuffing his face with bread and desserts, boredly looking out the window. Hailey sent him a text.

Stop eating all of their food just because it's free.

Adam looked down at his phone with a smirk before texting her back.

Don't be mad that you can't enjoy it with me but I'll save you some.

Adam turned and looked up to see Kevin smirking at him. Adam's small smile vanished as he shoved his phone into his back pocket.

"What ?"

"You still haven't asked her out yet , have you ?"

"Not asking her out now."

"I don't see why not. There's only a couple bad things that could happen. " Kevin told him before listing them. " One , she says no. Two , she says yes and Jay causes y'all to break up."

"Both of those seem extremely likely."

"Three , you fuck it up somehow because you are insanely childish."

"Okay." Adam said, putting his hands , motioning for him to stop. "You're all about my bad relationships but what about yours ? When's the last time you been on a date ?"

"Last week with Kim."

Adam's eyes widened and Kevin smirked. Adam pointed at him.

"That's not funny."

"I'm just playing man, you know Kim just my home girl."

Adam just nodded before taking another bite out of the bread loaf he had in his hands. He didn't care about Kim and Kevin dating , it would just be weird , considering that him and Kim were almost going to get married one day and Kevin was going to be his best man.

"But still." Kevin said. "When you going to be the ballsy Ruzek I know you for ?"

"He's trying to calm down but he might make an appearance soon."

"Sooner the better." Kevin told him. "A patrol man got interest in her from what I heard."

"Who ?" Adam quickly asked , turning to Kevin as quick as he could. "Who is he ?"

Hailey looked over at her brother before speaking.

"So how's therapy going ?"

Jay looked at her before looking back out the window.

"Well ,I never thought I would say it out loud but I actually kind of like it." He admitted to her before looking at her with soft eyes. Hailey smiled at him with slight shock. The Halsteads were a tough cookie to crack sometimes but she was glad she got to crack him open a bit.

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