025 : " i'm sorry."

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season five , episode eighteen ; ghosts

chapter twenty five

where the connections builds back again

Hailey and Jay pulled into the small empty parking garage in the spare Honda Accord that CPD had them use. Jay parked and the two got out while another car pulled up. Jay had grabbed the black duffel bag from the car. Ronald Booth gad parked and gotten out , walking up to Hailey who now Kelly while keeping an eye on Jay who was now Ryan.

"Glad we're doing this." Kelly told him. Booth didn't say a word and Ryan held up the open bag and walked over as him and Kelly stood near the front of the car that belong to Booth.

"It's all in there." Ryan said before Booth took the bag , digging his hand through the cash. It was silence before Booth tossed the bag into the front seat passenger seat of his car. He sighed before getting on his phone and placing it to his ear.

"Yeah , bring it over."

The two undercover cops glanced at each other before looking away. Booth hung up the phone and stood in front of Kelly with a smirk. The same one he had that night.

"How about dinner tonight ? To celebrate ?"

"Sure." She smiled slightly. She couldn't wait to throw his ass in prison , she was craving for it. The light sound of tires squealing got their attention and a blue pickup truck had came around the corner. It was Tyler Whitlock.

Tyler was a good kid , a great one but the drugs got in the way and instead of being a good role model for his nephew , Booth decided to bring him in to help the crystal meth sales.

"12 cans of paint , dig in." Tyler said as he got out and looked in the back of the pickup , Ryan started walking over but Booth spoke to stop him.

"Hold on a second." Booth told them before they all turned to him. "Let's take a moment before we proceed...to check a few things."

"Like that ?" Ryan asked him. He was tired of playing undercover. His sister was too deep in this case and he wanted this shit over with so Hailey wouldn't have to be around this abusive monster that hurt her years ago.

"Like wires." Booth told him , staring at Kelly. He had shoved her against the side of the car and started patting her down, in more than enough inappropriate ways. She had eyed her partner to not do anything , she had eyed her brother to not do anything.

"Come on man." Ryan said to him in gritted teeth but Booth ignored him , staring at him as his hands had went in between her legs as she gasped, her hand balling up against the glass of the window. The action had pissed him off enough and his hand out of instinct went to his waist. This managed to catch eyes of Tyler Whitlock who drug crazed.

"Hey , hey, hey ! He's got a gun !" Tyler shouted , whipping out a gun and pointed to Ryan who put his hands up, taking two steps back.

"I don't have a gun man ! Calm down !"

"Back up !"

"Take it easy man !"

Hailey took the moment of distraction to take Booth's gun and elbow him ,causing him to back away and turning to Tyler before shooting him twice. Jay and Hailey walked over to Tyler who was down.

"You good ?"

"Yeah I'm good. " Jay told her before they matched eyes. "Go !"

Hailey jogged off with the gun before slowing her steps , noticing a stairwell. All she could hear was her boots on the ground. She went to the side and opened the door , peeking inside before she was grabbed and thrown into the stairs. Booth staring down at her.

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