003 : "throwing sand into the gears"

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season four , episode twenty two ; army of one

chapter three

where she takes the job

The blonde detective slowly made her way up the stairs to the Intelligence unit , yes she took the job from the man who stole her case. Although she was probably not going to let it go , she came to fill the empty spot because at the end of the day , Hank Voight was someone special and his name weighed heavily for a reason.

She looked down at her outfit one last time nervously. In Robbery & Homicide , there was more etiquette where as the Intelligence unit usual wore jeans, boots and a single colored top. She wearing black boots and black jeans but decided to wear a jean long sleeve shirt and a black leather jacket. She's heard they wear those a lot so she went out and bought one.

Her small hands held a medium sized white box as her blue eyes scaled the room to see no one in there at all. Footsteps came around the corner and she looked over before rolling her eyes with a smile.

Of course Adam Ruzek had to be the first to see her.

He smiled as she looked at his outfit. The blue dress shirt looked nice on his skin complexion against his black jeans and boots.

"Yes you took the job !" He shouted before walking over to her and yelling over his shoulder. "Kev !"

"Huh ?" Kevin asked as he came around the corner as well to see the new unit member they had.

"It's just a temporary basis." Hailey had mentioned with a smile. She was hoping this worked out before going to back to boring robbery and homicide. Her unit was slow and hard to work with , deeming her as someone who was completely demanding and controlling when all she wanted to do was solve crimes , just like the Intelligence unit.

Adam patted the back of her shoulder.

"Alright, welcome to Intelligence and by the way..." He said before looking at Kevin Atwater who sighed. "You owe 20 bucks."

"You put a bet out on me ?" She asked with a smirk.

"Well it was either you came back for the job or me so which one ?" Adam questioned with a smirk. "It's fine , Kevin won't tell a soul if it's the second one."

She rolled her eyes as Kevin pulled out his wallet and gave Adam the cash before looking at her.

"You just couldn't stay away , could you ?"

"Uh huh." She smiled with a nod and Kevin put his wallet back before looking at the box in her arms.

"What's in the box ?"

"It's Loukoumades." Hailey told them as they had confused looks on their faces. "It's just Greek doughnuts. It's kinda like my shameless attempt to curry favor on my first day."

The detectives nodded before taking one each. Kim Burgess walked up with a smile.

"You're definitely off to a good start." Kim told her as she took one and ate it. "Oh these are good."

"I know."

Voight walked out of his office with Lindsay and Halstead before looking at the detective.

"Upton and Lindsay , you're partners today , Halstead , you're with Burgess."

The detectives nodded and she ignored Jay's eyes before speaking to their Sergeant.

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