008 : "you owe me"

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season four, episode five ; a war zone

chapter eight

where we bond , just a little

"Upton , where's your partner ?" Voight asked her and Hailey shrugged. The impulsive man was not her responsibility, shit , she only knew he was alive if he came to work. There was no talking about personal lives because she couldn't stand him anyway.

"They hardly get along." Erin told her foster father and Sergeant. "You think she would really know ?"

Hank Voight ignored her and looked at his detective.

"Track him down and bring him back here. "

"Yes Serg." Hailey mumbled. She grabbed she phone and went to their messages before seeing that he had her location on. Ruzek was still home. "Got it, I'll be back."

"Have fun." Jay said with a smirk in a playful tone. "Don't have too much fun though-"

"Don't start Halstead."

"Oh here's a key to his place. Don't know if he's there or not." Kim said , handing her a key. Hailey awkwardly looked at her but nodded her head, taking the key. She grabbed her black leather jacket and keys and walked out. She got inside her black Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT and drove off to the location where he was.

It was a better apartment complex than what she expected from him. She parked and got out , walking in. She went to the front desk and showed her CPD badge which caused the woman at the front desk's eyes to widen.

"Adam Ruzek."

"Third floor , room 35."


She walked to the elevator and patiently waited for it. She got on and went to his floor before going to his room. Hailey knocked twice and after he didn't answer , she pulled the key from her back pocket and unlocked the door , walking in.

His apartment was very simple and obviously one bedroom. Hailey looked around to see a kitchen and a living room. Stairs led up to a bedroom , obviously above the living room since there was no door , just stairs almost in front of the living room that led to upstairs. It was a nice place.

His place was completely quiet. Hailey went up the stairs and climbed them before seeing him still asleep in his bed. Downstairs was clean but his bedroom was in disarray. She looked around and saw his bathroom on the left side of the stairs and a closet , a wide one across from bed.

Hailey managed to take a picture of her brown hair sticking out of the navy blue covers but that was it , outside of his hand that was sticking out off the side of the bed.

"Ruzek , get up !" She shouted and he didn't even move, didn't even budge. "Are you serious right now ?"

She grabbed the cover before pulling it off of him before her eyes widened, the man was completely naked but the best thing was was that he was laying on his stomach and all she could see was the back of him. Thank God , she didn't see the main thing he had to offer.

"Leave me alone Hailey." He mumbled before pulling the cover back over him. "Let me sleep."

"You can't miss work , get up."

"Oh fuck this job."

"Get up , Hank said I can't leave unless I bring you back. It's morning and you are an adult and you have things to do , like work."

He mumbled something really low and incoherent before Hailey ripped the covers off of him to show his naked body again. The brown eyed man smirked as he rolled over , showing her all of him. Hailey kept her eyes on his face, trying to not look at his hard length that was morning wood.

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