Pennywise chuckled deviously, then withdrew his hand from Ezra's cock. "You have no idea how badly I want to claim you, Demon." Pennywise confessed to his soon-to-be lover.

Ezra meet Penny's eyes as the cosmic being started to straighten again. "You will have me, Ancient One." He vowed to him.

Pennywise grunted in satisfaction, loving how this night was going so far. He brought his lips down to toward Ezra's then, gently kissing his soft lips as his hip pressed into Ezra's stiff erection.

An intense shiver of pleasure much like the first time he'd kissed Nera sweltered through Penny's body like a heat wave, lighting his nerves on fire and making him throb down below so intensely he felt like his cock might explode.

He slipped his tongue easily into Ezra's mouth, their tongues discovering each other for the first time, wrapping around each other in a lewd dance. To him, the Demon tasted sweet with a light minty undertone, which left him wondering what the rest of him tasted like.

Ezra wasn't just a fuck. He wasn't just a way to get off. That was never Pennywise's style anyways. Like Nera, Ezra was more than that and those feelings were growing deeper by the day, coming easier than they had with Nera because she'd already broken down his walls. She'd opened him up to wonders of intimacy and love. Before her, he'd been the Master at everything except matters of the heart.

He'd once believed that love made him weak, but he'd been so wrong. The strongest he'd ever been was when he'd been fighting for Nera. He had levels of power he'd never known he had until he was motivated by love to use them. He still had to learn to harness them at will... but it wasn't about just power anymore. It was about pleasing his mates and making memories with them.

Soon, the kiss become more heated and wet, both men grunting and moaning in pleasure. Pennywise's hand had come to rest on Ezra's jaw without even realizing it. When he pulled up just bit to look into the Demon Lord's eyes, his thumb slid softly across Ezra's bottom lip. He growled low in his belly with desire. He wanted the Demon bad. Still hungry for more, he lowered his mouth to Ezra's again.

"Uh, you think you two could go get a room? Nobody here wants to see that," came an angry voice from behind Ezra.

Slowly Pennywise lifted his head, reluctantly pulling his lips from Ezra's to see a middle aged light skinned man with blond hair and blue eyes glaring angrily at him, his pig-nosed, red haired female sitting next to him with her arms crossed over her chest in disapproval.

The man looked disgusted with them, yet on the other side of them were two females going at it. Penny's lip curled maliciously and his cold piercing eyes immediately unnerved the man. They were the eyes of a sociopathic killer.

"Speak to me that way again, human." Pennywise urged the man in a demonically deep voice, his eyes flashing yellow.

The man stumbled back and his female gasped and backed away hurriedly. Pennywise pulled his top lip up in a evil, sneer-like smile. He glanced at over at Nera and the others with an arrogant grin as the couple ran out of the bar.

Nera tried to keep a straight face but she busted out laughing, and Santiago and Sadie joined in after, the tension of the moment broken.

Nera then rested her arm behind Ezra on the bar, looking at her two lovers adoringly. "I see you two are getting better acquainted." She noted with a sly smile, her eyes sparkling gleefully as Ezra wrapped an arm about Nera's waist, squeezing her affectionately. Seeing them like this was an incredible thrill for her.

Pennywise had his hand up in Ezra's hair and his hip pressed into Ezra's groin. Ezra's hand was holding onto the waist of Pennywises's pants at the front, having pulled him firmly against him. It was erotic as hell.

Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise x OC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now