Chapter 7: Enter Jienni Shikaumo

Start from the beginning

I head on outside of the school and decide to wait for him in the courtyard. Searching the area for a place to relax, I settle on a nicely shaded cherry blossom tree. I set down my things and lean my back against the tree, resting my eyes for a bit. After a few more minutes I can hear someone coming out from inside the school.

"TSUKI!" he shouts from behind, grabbing my attention.

"Took you long enough," I yawn stretching my arms and flicking my tail. I remove myself from the ground, dusting off my skirt to remove any excess dirt and grab my belongings.

"Whatever punk. Let's just go already," he laughs. "You got me craving boba now."

We exit the gates and start on our way down the busy streets to the boba shop.

"It's only the first day of school and you've already started a new creation. I wouldn't expect anything less from you squirt," I say to him while ruffling his hair.

"Ughhh, stop that. I know you're only doing that to mess with me," he whines swatting my hand away.

"Only because I love you ya little runt. Now tell me about your new doohickey you were working on," I laugh.

"Well that so called 'doohickey' is a prototype of a new shock absorbing shield I've been wanting to make for a while now. When I'm finished it'll be able absorb the shock from any outside force, big or small, without any damages or recoil." He explains.

"Sounds pretty cool. You never cease to amaze me kiddo," I say patting him on the back. "Aside from that, how's your first day been?"

"It's been alright I guess. I did feel a little out of place here and there in the beginning since I'm younger than everyone and visibly smaller too. But, after while I made some new friends; a few in the support course and one in general studies. They were all pretty impressed by how I was able to get into UA at such an early age. Other than that, I was allowed to go down to the design studio for a while until it was time to go." He rants on.

"Well it looks like everything turned out pretty good for you, so I'm happy. I was sure I'd have to kick someone's ass today if they ended up being a bother to you, but it seems like everything worked itself out." I turn to him smiling.

"You're unbelievable," he chuckles.

"Whaaaat? I'm serious," I laugh. "I can't have anyone messing with you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you weren't ok."

We both stop when we make it to the boba shop and walk inside, going toward the counter to wait in line.

"I appreciate it Tsuk. I really do," he smiles at me. "So, you never told me how your day went."

"Oh right! Hmmm, let me see," I think back to today's events. "Well to start it off, I sort of went off on one of my classmates from waking me up from a nap. Then dad showed up in his sleeping bag which freaked everyone out for some strange reason. We ended up changing into our gym uniforms then and went outside for a quirk assessment test where I ended up in third overall. I made a few more girl friends along the way too, but I think that's really about it if we're just talking about the interesting things."


The two of us move forward and I begin to order for the both of us, already knowing what Jienni wants.

"Hi, can I have two strawberry milk teas, a vanilla and a strawberry cake pop, and a blueberry muffin please?" I ask, reciting our order.

"Sure thing, that'll be 2,000 yen." The cashier states. (A/N: That's like 20 bucks in US dollars)

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