Hospitals and Bleach

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You know when you're having a dream then you fall from the rooftop of a sky scrapper and you're falling and falling and the moment you hit the ground, you wake up.
Yeah, that was the dream I had right before I woke up in the hospital.

My throat was dry and it pleaded for water or some liquid, I looked by my side and a mop of red hair was sleeping in a chair. That must be uncomfortable.

"She doesn't want to leave your side" someone I didn't see in the room said to me and I whipped my head to where the voice came from and sharp pain hit me like a wave.
"You should take it easy, the wound hasn't healed yet. You're lucky that the hit didn't cause any damage" Nathan walked to the bed and helped me sit up.
"Water?" I asked for the one thing I needed right now.
As I gulped the water Mira stirred awake and when her eyes settle on me she jumped out of the chair and she's beside me. Worry is written all over her face.
"I'm so sorry" she managed to say before loud sobs came from her. At first I was stunned because Mira isn't the type to cry but I found myself hugging my best friend and crying too. It must have been awkward for Nathan because I saw him leaving the room.
Mira pulls away from the hug and wipes my tears with her fingers.
" I should have told you everything" she sat close to me and gave me a sad smile. I'm sure she blames herself for this.
"Mira, you're my best friend and if you didn't tell me whatever was going on I'm sure you had your reasons" I squeezed her hand to reassure her that I'm not mad at her. "But you can start telling me now, I wasn't there to help and I want to know everything"
She takes a deep breath and that's enough to let me know that it's bad.
"Chase has always been good but he's overprotective and sometimes he gets abusive. It was a slap at first but I told myself that it was my fault because we were in the middle of an argument and I must have said something that pushed him. Later a slap accompanied by insults and he would pull my hair and push me hard, sometimes he would strangle me and threaten me" she told me and avoided my eyes.
"Why didn't you tell anyone?" I couldn't help but ask.
"I thought he would change Bell" this time she looked up and tears wouldn't stop falling from her eyes. She loved him.
"Come here" I pulled her into my hands not wanting my best friend to go through hell again by telling me what she went through.

There with my best friend I couldn't help but wonder why she stayed with him. Is this what love is about, staying even though you know that you should run.
What can I say, I've never been in love before.

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