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"Thanks for the ride dad"
"Anytime princess, be nice to Tiffany" he warned
"I'll try" I shrugged and left the car.
Hah as if.
Taffy should be the one to play nice.

I took a deep breath before entering the cafe, can't wait to get out of here.

"Bella" Miranda called. Miranda is my best friend.... Ok we are just good friends who meet at work everyday.
"Hi Mira" I greeted my red headed friend.
"You're late, go and change before the devil sees you"
"I better hurry then" I chuckled then hurried to change. I rushed out of the changing room but bumped into Jack.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching" I apologized.
"It's OK Bella, it was my fault". Jack replied, his cheeks slightly turning red. He was looking at everything but not me. Awkward.
I know he has a crush on me but I would turn a blind eye until the end of the world.
"You two get to work and stop flirting" Tiffany yelled
"Save my soul" I muttered
That Woman needs to take a chill pill.
"We better get going before she rips our heads off"

I walked over to Mira and fixed my name tag.
"So how did it go?" I asked.
"How did what go" she asked back
Then I gave her the "don't play dumb with me" look
"It was fine" she said but I didn't miss seeing her cheeks heat up.
Once you mention Chase, Mira becomes a red tomato. Chase has been her boyfriend for a while now.
"Awww, Mira" I cooed and pinched her cheeks.
"Stop" she slapped my hand playfully.

"Look, customers" Mira informed me as a couple walked in.
"Hi, welcome to Tiffany's cafe. What would you like to have. I asked the couple with a smile.
"Latte please" the lady asked
"What about you sir"
"cappuccino please" he asked
"OK, just a moment"

I walked over to Mira and passed the piece of paper I had written the orders on earlier.

"Here" Mira said as she passed the cups to me

"One latte and one cappuccino"
"Thank you" the lady said
I replied with a polite nod and walked away to stay with Mira.

"So Mira"
"Hmm" She responded
"Wanna come over tonight and spend the night" I asked grinning from ear to ear.
I'm always super excited when Mira comes over.
"I ... I actually have plans"
My smile dropped, Mira never cancels our girls night even if it wasn't planned.
"Please Mira, please" I jutted my bottom lip.
"Am sorry Bell, Chase wants me to come to the club with him and some friends, you can come if you want. She said with a smile, more like a pleading smile.

"No it's OK, I'll just stay at home. We can do this some other time"
"I wasn't asking, you're coming, we're changing at my place. She replied and clasped her hands together.
"But...." I tried to protest but she cut me off
"Zip it you're coming" and with that she left.

Oh no, why me.
"Get to work Sandra" I turned to see Taffy
"Its Annabella" I rolled my eyes
"Whatever, just get back to work"
Does she even know the word polite.

For the sake of money I'd put up with a bitch who is just few years older than me. Lord save my soul.
.........,..........,....................... ................

Ugh...... Why did I ever listen to Mira.
I Annabella Marie Carson promise to never ever go to the club with Miranda freaking Winters.

Right now I feel like a third wheel, in fact I am the seventh wheel.

Chase is here with three of his friends and their girls
And they are making out

Mira felt like dancing and asked me to dance with her, when I stayed quiet for more than a minute she pulled me up from my seat.

After dancing for sometime I needed a drink.
"Mira I'm going to grab a drink, wanna come" I yelled into her ear because of the loud music.
"No thanks, go ahead" she yelled back and my left ear literally fell off.

Damn clubs and their loud music

I walked towards the bar and sat on a high stool.
"Vodka please" I said to the barman.
"Ok ma'am" he picked a shot glass and poured the vodka into it. He slid the cup towards me.
"Thanks" I downed the drink at a go and made a face due to the burning sensation I felt down my throat.
I was about to ask for another shot when I heard someone yell.
"what the fuck is this"
Everyone stopped dancing even the music stopped.  Talk about a cliche movie
"I'm so... sorry" That voice was loud and clear and I was sure that I knew whosoever that voice belongs to but maybe it's the vodka.
Wait that sounds familiar
Oh no what's my cousin doing here.
I got up from the bar stool and pushed past people to the middle.

There was a guy but his I could only see his back.
But I can see Bridget. Shouldn't she be in school. Young children ....

Bridget is my Dad's younger brother's only child, they love far away but she managed to apply to a school that is far from her parent's reach.
Bridget is more like a free bird but with a timid face and cute bangs.
Sometimes I forget that I have a cousin around until she pops up at my workplace or doorstep and random places too and it's no news that she's here..... and causing a scene.

"You ruined my shirt, and you say that you're sorry" he scoffed.
"I..I wasn't wa..watching" Bridget stuttered
She's fucking scared, she is always scared except when she's sneaking out for a party.

"Of course you ......." He was about to continue but I cut him off.
"She apologized already" I said and all heads snapped to my direction.
Bridget looked up and there was a spark of happiness in my eyes but it was later laced with worry and she shook her head no.
I smiled and walked over to her.
Then I looked up at the rude young man
Nice one Bell
My oh my.
I can see his face now and...
So handsome
Stop it
His sexy face
focus Bell focus
"This is none of your business blonde" he growled with venom in his voice.
"Oh, of course it's my business you can't talk to my cousin like that"
"Your fucking cousin ruined my shirt"
"Well it's just a shirt and she apologized" I retorted.
"Don't talk to me like that" he growled
"How should I talk to you then? Do you want me to pat your head and coo at you?"

Then I poked his chest and only one thing came to my mind.
He looked down at my finger and raised an eyebrow.
"You mister, you're going to apologize to my cousin"
I looked around and saw Mira and the others they kept on shaking their heads no.
What's with everybody and no.
"I don't apologize, sweetheart".
"You're so rude"

"You don't know who you're messing with" He said, this time it looks like steam will come out from his ears.
"I don't care"
Jesus, Bella what are you doing.

Then Mr rude was coming closer but I did something that I never thought I would do.
I kicked him in the balls and ran with Bridget.

"you little bitch" he groaned.
"You're going to pay" that was the last thing I heard.

Seems like Bella is in deep shit 😱

Let's find out what's going to happen to our lovely Bella.
I hope y'all are enjoying the story, feel free to correct me I ain't perfect.
Picture above 👆is Matt Carson, Bella's father.
Love y'all *kisses*

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