Blind Duck

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Annabella's POV
My eyes feel so heavy like I haven't slept in days, I really want to lay down right now and sleep. I tried to rub my eyes but my hands are restrained.
What the hell have I gotten myself into, I've been kidnapped twice in 48hours and I still don't understand why.
"Hello" I yelled out to no one in particular because when you wake up in a dimly lit room and you're tied to a chair, it's only normal for you to find out why you're there.
"Is anyone out there? Anybody?"
"Jesus, keep it down you're so loud"
I didn't know someone was in the room with me. I squinted my eye so I could see clearly since it was so dark in here.
"You look like a blind duck"
What the heck... I didn't do shit and I'm getting insults from someone I don't know. A blind duck? Ha
"Well I can't see you and I'm trying to" I don't even know if he's my abductor or he's a victim like me.

"Well you don't have to" his words were laced with hate and I could feel it from here.
"Why? Because you're ugly and can't be seen" I shouldn't have said that but he started it. Like why would you call me a blind duck... whyyyy
He scoffed "I'm most certainly not ugly.
Actually, I might be the best you've ever seen"
"Well then step into the light so I can confirm your pretty little imaginations about yourself"
"Imagination? You are so brazen for someone tied to a chair"
"You're just hurt because I called you ugly" I stuck my tongue out hoping he saw that.
"No I'm not"
"Yes you are"
"Shhhh, someone is coming"
I could hear footsteps so I sat upright in the chair I was tied to against my own will.
Since the room was so dark, I barely noticed the door until it opened and two people entered the room.
I couldn't make out their features until one of them switched the light on.
I quickly scanned my environment and yuck this place is horrible.
The paint on most part of the wall had come off and there's a little puddle of water in one corner of the room but I'm not one hundred percent sure that is water.

A rat dashed across the room from nowhere making sure to stop right next to me, I got scared and tried to scoot away from it but Since my limbs were tied to the chair, I made a fool out of myself and fell along with the chair.
Now I look stupid and so not intimidating.
Since the light was on, I had the chance to see who my abductors were.

There's a man who looked like he was in his mid-fifties, he was of average height and had a stomach that seemed big but at the same time it wasn't. His black hair was gelled back and a single hair wasn't sticking up, I wonder how many hair mousse went into that.

The woman next to him looks young enough to be his daughter and I would have called her his daughter if she weren't black. She had this beautiful braids on and a crop top with cargo pants and black combat boots.
Cool huh

Unlike me on the floor looking like a potato.
Cool girl walked towards me and put me back in a sitting position. Grateful for that.
"So this is the girl she's been stalking huh?"
"Yes" the cool girl brushed a stray hair back from my face. This was getting really weird and did he just say that someone was stalking me. She was about to touch my hair again but I moved my head in the other direction.
She smirked and winked at me.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up" she untied me and pulled me out of the chair before I could even get my own feet. We both left the room and walked upstairs out of the basement, there were many other doors down there and I'm guessing they had other people in there too.
Who could these people be? Human traffickers??
"Why am I here?"
No response
I stopped walking and asked again "why am I here?"
She scoffed and looked at me like something that dropped from the trash bag "you're just like her"
"Like who?"
She grabbed my arm tightly this time and pulled me "come on let's go, I don't have all day"
"Fucking let me go bitch" I pushed her so hard but I could only get her to lessen her grip on me and free myself but before I could run she pulled my hair and pushed something into my mouth.
"Who the fuck are you calling a bitch huh?"
She pushed the gun further into my mouth and It was almost touching my throat.
"I do not like little rats who think they can do something shitty heroic stuff and make a fool out of me so if you know what's good for you, do what I say and save my bullets because this isn't a goddamn Disney movie. Are we clear?"
I nodded my head slowly so she pulled the gun out of my mouth and a wave of relief hit me.

This time around I let her pull me to wherever she was taking me. She opened a door to a room and ordered me to sit on the bed. I sat quietly at the edge.
She opened the closet and returned with a cloth in her hand which she tossed at me.
"Get into the bathroom and freshen up, I'll be right here"
I got up quickly and walked into the bathroom.
Once I closed the door, I slid down the door and brought my knees up to my chest. Tears ran down my cheeks and I wondered how I got myself into this.

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