He's Myles knights

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Annabella's POV

Oh my, I'm so dead.
He's Myles knights. How come I didn't know.
When Mira told me who he was I was so scared, I didn't bother to complete their order.
I splashed some water on my face so I could wake up, this is a dream and I have to wake up.
This is all your fault stupid mouth.
I kicked Myles knight and called him a dick head.

I wasn't myself the rest of the day, I didn't say goodbye to Mira before leaving.
I got home and dragged myself up to my room, I crawled up my bed and curled like a ball.
Yes, I'm screwed.
I could only think of how stupid I was.

I woke up to the sound of my ringtone, I must have slept off yesterday after the whole I screwed up talk.

I checked the caller ID and picked up

"Bell, are you OK, I looked for you everywhere yesterday"
"I'm fine, sorry for leaving without telling you"
"It's OK, I'll see you at work"

I took a shower and got dressed for work. No shower concert today.
Walking into the cafe made me relax, the smell of coffee hit my nostrils and the roasted beans are just therapeutic.
I walked up to the counter and found Mira talking to someone.
From the back view I knew who it was, the guy that was with Myles knight yesterday. I mean it's not everyday we have customers that look good in a two piece suit.
I was thinking of an escape plan when someone whispered into my ear.

"We need to talk" Oh no
I turned to face him but he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the cafe to his car.

Do something Bella
"Where are you taking me" I asked.
He didn't answer, I let him open the door and I slipped in, scared that he might snap my neck.
I mean after everything I heard, he's not the type i should mess with but i already did.

I was still lost in thoughts of what he'll do to me until the sound of the door broke me from my trance.

"What about my work, I have to leave"
I tried opening the door but it was locked.
"My friend is taking Care of that" he answered.

I couldn't hold it anymore, I broke into sobs and started crying.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean all those things I said yesterday and at the club, I'm so sorry"

His eyes softened and he reached out to wipe my tears. I flinched when he made contact, but I didn't miss how rough his hands felt.
Maybe I know why

"Please don't hurt me" I managed to say again.
" I won't do anything to you" He said.
I looked at him in surprise.
"I promise I won't hurt you, stop crying"
"I'm really sorry, and I'll do anything for you to forgive me, I was only. ......." I was cut off by him.
"Anything" he asked raising his eyebrows.
shit, now you sold us to the devil

And I found myself nodding my head in affirmation.

I walked back into the cafe only to get pulled into a more private area. What's with everyone pulling me around.
"Spill" she said
"Chill woman, of course I'll tell you"
I told her everything including the part where I sold my soul to the devil by telling him I'll do anything.
So I agreed to be his delivery girl.
Worst part is Taffy agreed to this earlier. That annoying bitch.
" I can't believe Taffy agreed to this, what a bitch" Mira said
I looked up and saw Taffy.
Shit, she heard.
I rushed pass Mira to Taffy, but she was already running towards the bathroom, good thing I caught up with her before she could lock herself in.

She had tears running down her cheeks.
I was about to say sorry but she beat me to it.
"I'm sorry Annabella, I didn't think of what I was doing" she said pleadingly.
I looked into her brown eyes and I saw hurt.
"I don't know what's wrong with me but I feel that if I hurt others I'll feel better, I'm sorry for being a bitch to you and Mira and jack too. I'm a very stupid self centered bitch, I'm sorry for pulling you into this, please forgive me"
Am I hearing well?

"It's OK, I pulled myself into this, I know you've been hard on us and I know you didn't mean to, it's OK I forgive you" I told her even though if felt good seeing her in that state after pulling me into this mess.
"Really, thanks" she pulled me into a hug.
Not comfortable...
"I should get back to work now" I said breaking the hug.
"Yeah, I'll see you later"

Later that day I got home and walked into the kitchen to grab a pint of ice cream.
I was about going to watch movies my room but I got a message, it was from an unknown number.

pound cake and latte for two.
(Input address) be here by 8:30.

I knew who it was and I groaned, I hate this.
I hate Taffy more..

I walked up to my room and decided to call Mira. she picked after the second ring.

"Hey girl" she tried to sound happy but I could hear her sadness, she sounded like she had been crying.
"Mira, are you OK"
"Yes, just tired"
"OK" I said not wanting to push the conversation.
"I have to go now, I have something to do I'll see you tomorrow" she didn't wait for me to reply before she disconnected the call.
What's wrong with Mira.

I didn't want to stay here and ponder on things.
I picked the keys and took mum's car, she'd just yell at me but i have to get to Mira.
I knocked on the door and Chase opened the door very quickly.

"Hi Chase, is Mira in?"
"Hey Bella, she's kind of busy and she wants to be left alone" He said smiling
"OK, tell her that I dropped by"
"I will"
I turned and walked to the car and left.
Since when did Mira become too busy to talk to me.

Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't been updating, been busy but I'm here now.
What do you guys think will happen to Bella now that she's Myles delivery girl.
And what do you think about Taffy's sudden outburst.
And I wonder what's up with Mira, we'll see in the next chapter.
I love y'all

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