He's not that bad

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I thought this was going to be easy but I was wrong.
A part of me wants to walk back to my car but I can't. I promised to do this.
I walked up to the door  after going through the tight security at the gate. It was like getting through to the nation's source of food.

I stood at the door still contemplating on whether to knock or not, knock or not. There's a better option and that is walking back to my car but then the door opened.
I didn't even get to knock
A man in his early fifties stood there smiling at me, at least its not the motherfucker.
"Good morning ma'am, you must be Miss Carson" he said still smiling.
"Yes, erm... I'm here to drop this" I said holding up the brown bag. If he had a butler why would he need something from Taffy's cafe.

"Let her in David" a deep voice called behind the man Who i think is David.
This wasn't how I planned everything in my head, I was going to drop this and run out of here like Barry Allen and write my own intro...

My name is Annabella Carson, to the outside world I'm just an ordinary...

"Come in ma'am" David cut me off from my wondrous intro speech.
I nodded and walked in.
The first thing I did was to look around and couldn't help but let my jaw drop. He lives in a beautiful place but his attitude isn't even close to beautiful.

"Beautiful right"
"Huh.. yeah" I nodded and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear.
" Here, your order" I handed the brown bag to him quickly, maybe I can finish that speech on my way out of here.
He just took the bag and left me there, I kept on glaring at his back hopefully praying that lasers from my eyes should hit him and melt him into a human puddle.
He turned around and I straightened my self.
Good thing he didn't see me.
"Are you going to stand there or you'll join me" he asked
" um... I have to go" There's no way I'll stay here any longer, I might become a convict.
" I'm not going to ask again, you're joining me" he said and left.
Bossy. Who the fuck does he think he is.
But I can't stand here looking like a signpost.
I ran towards where he went and my oh my it's the kitchen. My favorite place.

One hour later in spongebob voice...

I don't know how it happened but here I am with Myles Knight, drinking coffee and talking.
After talking for a whole hour, turns out Myles isn't that bad.

I want to stay here for a little while but Taffy is going to be a bitch and probably punch the calculator because of my salary and I can't afford that.
"Myles, I have to go now"
Yeah, I call him Myles now, bow to the Queen people.

" oh, okay" he said running his hands through his already messy hair.
"I'll walk you to the door" he said
" yeah, thanks ".

At least today didn't turn out bad and he's a little bit nice and appealing.


Two weeks, two fucking weeks and Mira has been avoiding me. I'm starting to think I did something wrong.
She's always eager to end my calls, always giving lame excuses when I text, she wouldn't let me come over and she won't come over, she's always serious and uptight at work.
She's extremely late today and Taffy is boiling with anger, smoke is literally coming out of the little devil's ears and I'm starting to think she would turn into a red panda.
I was about to cook up another lie to cover up for Mira but she walked in just in time.
Between the two of us, I didn't have anything to say.
"Do you even care about your job?" Taffy didn't even let her walk in fully.
"Something came up, something personal" Mira just casually brush imaginary dust off her jeans and kept her eyes glued to the floor.
Is she acting or did she hit her head on her bathroom tiles.
Whatever she's doing, Taffy is totally buying it.
"Get to work and don't you dare take a break"
Told y'all she's a witch.

I followed Mira to the changing room like my boss wasn't fuming right in front of me two seconds ago. I know, I'm nosy and I might get in trouble but I don't give two flying fucks. I don't even give one.

I'm standing by the door waiting for Mira to say something but she's just changing into her uniform like I wasn't there but something caught my eye.
Are those...
"Miranda, what's that? What happened?" I rushed to her side and touched the marks on her back but she jerked my hands off and wore her shirt immediately.
"None of your business"
What the fuck?
"You can't talk to me like that, come on tell me how you got that?"
" hey Bella "
Speak about the devil and his accomplice is here.
" hi Nathan, what do you want"  I asked in a bored tone.
"Myles asked me to bring you"
I looked behind me and back at me
"Me" I asked pointing at myself.
"Yes you" he rolled his eyes
" why"
" just come with me, please "
" whatever, I'll just ask Ta....."
" don't worry Bell, you're free" Taffy said cutting me off, she sure knows something.
" I'm not coming " I told Nathan.
"Please Bella you have to come" he pleaded
"Please" he said giving me his puppy eyes.
Damn he's cute
"No Nathan, don't use that on me" I said resisting myself from saying yes.
"Myles will take my new car"
"Your new car?"
"Yes, he said if I don't bring you he'll take my car, I don't want to loose my baby, please Bella"
"You call your car Baby" I just couldn't hold it so I burst out laughing. I saw Nathan giving me a very bad look through my wet eyes.
I straightened up real quick and muttered a quick apology "sorry"
"Let's go already" he huffed
"Sure. Can we ride in your Baby" I said putting emphasis on the word baby.
"Quit making fun of me already"
That only made me laugh harder. I raised my head to see that he was already heading towards the exit.
"Wait for me" I called to him but he only shook his head and walked out the door.
Rude boy

"Where are we going" I asked Nathan.
"One of Myles place" he said keeping his eyes on the road.
"One of.."
" yeah, Myles has a lot of houses, he stays at each one whenever he wants to but this one we're going to is the one he spends most time at".

We finally arrived at 'one of Myles place'.
Nathan drove through the gate and the driveway.
This place is bigger than his other house.
We got out of the car and walked towards Myles who was waiting at the door.
"You got here faster than I thought, how did you convince her to come?" Myles asked Nathan.
"You threatened to take his car, meanie" I said giving him my scariest glare.
"Car" Myles raised an eyebrow confused.
"I have to go inside now" Nathan said backing away.
Shit, have been fooled
"Did you trick me you little twat" I said glaring at him and rolling my sleeves up
"So sorry Bella, but can we talk about this in a better way"
"OK that's enough" Myles got between the both of us and pulled Nathan inside.


Sorry guys, I haven't been updating, so sorry.
Been busy with everything.😔
It hasn't been easy trying to think of ideas for this book but because of you guys and your support I can do it.😀
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