Boxes and memories

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After calling me a flaw, the woman I called my friend let me go back home but she didn't actually let me walk out on my own. I left the same way I got in, with a bag over my head, I was dropped at the front of my apartment building.
It was kind of dark and the street in this area is always empty so there wasn't much eyes around.
I was kind of scared to walk back into my apartment because she knows where I stay and it's not safe for me after what happened back there. What if she sends some of her men to kill me in my sleep?
Now that it crossed my mind, I was really scared but I didn't know what to do.
I couldn't go back to Nathan's, I can't go to Mira after blocking her out all these while but there's one place I can go.

Watching my mother having dinner with her boyfriend from across the street isn't what I had planned to do this evening.
Seeing her happy regardless of the fact that her child and husband are far away from her because of what she did made something boil in me.
I clench my fist and dug my nails into my palms so hard. I was hurting myself but it made me steer away from the pain I felt seeing them together.

I finally looked away before I broke myself any further and crossed the street. The lights in the house next to mine wasn't on so I could make my way in without raising suspicion.
I silently prayed that everything was still the same way I left it. My window wasn't so far from the ground so it was easy to reach it with the help of the window below it, I pulled the handle and it was open. When I stayed here I never realized like to shut my window totally, I knew it wasn't safe but no one would suspect the little opening.

After getting my whole self into the room I had to make sure that I didn't somehow announce my entrance but the sound of laughter from downstairs was a good sign.
I locked the door from behind and the window too, it was hard to see but I couldn't risk turning on the lights so I increased my phone's brightness and relied on my Home Screen.

There were boxes around but with one glance around the room I was sure they weren't my things because nothing was removed.
I sat next to one of the boxes on the dusty floor and opened it. I pulled out the first thing I could lay my hands on.
Dad's shirt
"Oh Dad" I hugged the shirt and sniffed it but it only made me feel like sneezing. I wonder when she got rid of his things and put them in here.
I wanted to go through every box in this room but I wouldn't want my mother to find out that someone was here so I laid on the floor not minding the dust and somehow I slept off.
Ayanfe's POV
"She was seen going into the Carson's house through a window and she hasn't stepped out since then" Micheal, my right hand man informed me.
"Keep watching the house and make sure she doesn't get in trouble"
That may be Bella's home but the woman who killed her father lives in there and if she could kill her own husband, she wouldn't hesitate to do the same to her daughter.
I have my men watching the house from afar and up close for a while, they've been following her since she was dropped at the front of the apartment.
"Once it's daybreak and she hasn't made an attempt to leave the house, we'd go in and get her"
"Ok ma'am" Micheal bowed his head and left me alone in my thoughts.
Since my cover had been blown and plans didn't go well, I had to fully move into the mansion with my family.
Here at the mansion, we are safe under the protection of the guards but at the apartment, we only have a guard or two keeping watch outside the door or the building and since Bella knows about my true identity she could tell anyone and things can get messy real quick.
Even though I have played fair since I became the leader, I can't be so sure that I'm not on anyone's radar because of things that the past leaders may or may not have done.
Tomide's cry startled me, for a moment I thought I was alone but I've been keeping my child around me all day long. We've been living in peace until I decided to play badass gang leader with Bella.
I carried the baby and cradled him for a while, my eyes were starting to feel sore and it's only reasonable that I sleep after staying up all night.
Fortunately, my room isn't that far from my office so the walk wasn't that long. I placed Tomide on the bed softly and place pillows around him so he wouldn't roll over while I'm changing. I walked into the bathroom to take a wash my face but when the water hit my hand, a shower sounded like a better option so I took a quick one and changed into my silk pajamas.
I exited the bathroom and noticed something was wrong in the room, my baby wasn't on the bed.
"Tomide, where are you?" Like he could actually answer me, I called for him over and over.
I checked under the bed, he could have rolled down the bed and crawled around. He wasn't there.
I checked every where in the room but my baby wasn't there.
Tears were already rolling down my face and I was starting to question myself.

Did I actually bring him in here?
Did I leave him in my office since I was too tired to think straight?
I dashed out of the room and headed for my office like a bull racing towards a red cloth.
He wasn't there.
Where is my baby?
"Tomideee" I screamed at the top of my lungs not giving a fuck if I woke anyone up.
As expected people started coming up the stairs and three guards approached me including Micheal.
"What's wron..." I didn't let him finish before I pulled his shirt in my fist.
"I can't find my child huh Micheal. I can't find my baby. Omo mi da" (Where is my child)
The tears wouldn't stop falling even though we haven't confirmed that he's missing.
"Everyone stay on your toes, lockdown the entire mansion and don't let anyone out of this place. The heir is missing" Micheal spoke to the rest of the guards through his earpiece.
"Boss, where did you last see him?"
"I left him on the bed for just few minutes. Mi o tie pe rara. Just few minutes and he was gone" (I didn't leave him for long)
"Let's go" He led me back to my room and I noticed something I didn't notice before, the window was open.
Oh God. They probably left with my baby through the window. I ran towards the window and looked down hoping they were still there but they weren't.
Why would they take my baby down this window and risk his life, he's just a little child.
A guard walked into the room "No sign of anyone entering or leaving the premises and we couldn't find him also".

I wanted to pull my hair out and tear my own skin for leaving my child alone but I couldn't, I can't even punish myself for this.
Something like this has never happened before in this mansion until today. Until she stepped in here.
"Get Annabella Carson out of that house now, she might know something about my child"

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