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Nathan's pov
It's been 2weeks since she has left and every single day I've been reading the note she left trying to see a lie in it but I don't see it.

I woke up this morning and rolled to my bedside table to pick the note..

Hey Nate,
I know this would seem rude but I couldn't look you in the eye and do this but I have to so this is another option.
I Know you love me and I appreciate that but I can't reciprocate that feeling and it breaks my heart to see you still love me regardless. I can't be with you or around you if I would only feel this way.
You don't have to look for me because I am going to be comfortable and safe wherever I am.
Thanks for the love and support, I would be forever grateful to you.

My heart breaks again as I place the paper back in its place.
I did look for her but I couldn't find her, I knew she wouldn't go back home so I didn't stop there.
I went back to the cafe but no sign of her even Mira doesn't know anything about here whereabouts.
Her calls aren't going through either.
I just want to see her one more time .

Whoever said being an independent woman was exciting should be tied over a burning fire and roasted.
I can't take this any longer.
I'm in my kitchen going through my phone looking for a job.
My savings would run out soon and I haven't gotten anything to fund me.
Apart from my money issues living here is pretty cool.
I don't have any friends around since I just got here and I discarded my sim card after leaving Nathan's place so I'm pretty much a loner.
My mind drift to Nathan for a second and I feel bad because because this is the first time that I thought of him since I moved in. I let my mind wander to Miranda and the the cafe and then  dad.
I shrugged the sad thoughts off as soon as it came and focus on the matter at hand.
I just stumbled upon two vacancies and my joy is up the roof.
I do a little happy dance when I checked  the address and they aren't far from here.
I know I shouldn't be celebrating yet but this shimmer of hope calls for celebration.
My celebration moment is cut off when I hear giggles from the apartment next to mine.
I should probably introduce myself to my neighbors and make some friends instead of rotting away in here like a lonely cat lady.

I grab my jacket and exit my apartment, locking the door and sticking the keys and my hands in the pocket of my jacket.
I knock on my neighbor's door and start counting from 1-100 in my head.

I hear another soft giggle and I cannot help but smile, soon footsteps start approaching and the giggles get closer.
When the door opens, it's the same woman that passed by me the first day I got here.
A smile instantly spreads on my face once I see hers.
"Hi, I'm Annabella. I just moved in here about two weeks ago" I don't know why but I'm suddenly moving from one feet to another. The child she's carrying finds that funny and starts giggling.
He probably sees me in a clown costume.
"I noticed someone moved in. Sorry I didn't come to welcome you and introduce myself, I've been very busy back here" she replied while moving her child to her other arm.
"Would you like to come in for a while?" She offered and opened her door wider.
"Yes, of course" I was happy for the invitation. Trust me another lone moment in that place would kill me.
Her place is definitely way better than mine because it's a family home. I look at the kitchen and something is baking because the smell of chocolate graced my nose.
Goodness, smells like heaven.
As if on cue, my stomach growls in response to the aroma.
Damn my stupid stomach and it's love for food.
I turn around in embarrassment and give my neighbor a sheepish smile, and just like earlier, her smile is ever present on her face. Not creepy but welcoming.

"I baked cookies and some cupcakes, do you want some?" She doesn't stop for an answer and I just follow her to the kitchen like a robot.
She puts on her oven gloves and takes out a tray of chocolate cookies and place it next to the cupcakes on the kitchen counter.
I haven't accepted or refused her treat offer, not like I'm going to refuse that offer but she doesn't take my muteness as a ride behavior.
"I'm Ayanfe" she tells me her name and I couldn't help but wonder. What kind of name is that, it didn't sound like French so I'm guessing Russian but I didn't want to jump into conclusion.
I guess I didn't hide my confusion because she answers my unasked questions for me.

"The full name is Ayanfeoluwa but Ayanfe for short, it's a Yoruba name, I'm African" her beaming smile is radiant and full of pride.
I haven't met someone from Africa before so I'm a little surprised to be standing in Front of one now.
" What does it mean" my curiousness got the best of me.
"God's beloved" she takes a plate out and places a lot of cookies and cupcakes on it then slides it to me.
God bless her for this persistent offer that I would not even decline. Now I understand why she got the name God's beloved.

"Thank you...." I wanted to try to pronounce name but I couldn't even remember what she called it and I can't exactly just call her the English meaning so I stuff my face with the cookies first. It melts in my mouth probably because it's still warm but I don't care. It tastes like cookies that you would be served in paradise.
I couldn't hide my opinion so I told her that they are so good. It's like she's got an aura that wants you to spill everything in your mind.
"So where in Africa are you from?"
"Nigeria, south west to be precise"
"Wow, what brings you here? Business?" I'm still Munching on the cookies and playing detective.
I notice that I have cookies too and make a mental note to try it next.
"Ermm.. business I guess" it looks like she isn't sure of what to tell me so I accept her answer.
I finally take my mind off the chocolate treats and notice the person that dragged me down here... Her cute child and his giggles.
"What's your baby's name?" I stretch my hands out to take him and he stretches his too, I felt so much love and connection because of this small acceptance.
"Olatomide, it means wealth brought me here" the smile she has while talking about her African names makes me like her the more.
"That's really nice"
Honestly I don't understand these things but she's making me love it.
I play with the baby for a while his mother watched us.
"What do you do Miss Annabella?" She helps herself with some cupcakes and the way she's eating it puts me to shame.
So much grace.
"I'm looking for jobs around" a wave of embarrassment washes over me because of my state of employment.
She doesn't press into the matter and I'm grateful for that.

Love and HateМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя