meeting little blonde

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My sleep was disturbed by the sun rays that illuminated my room and my mind drifted to the blonde I met last night, I remembered the pain in my groin and cursed that blonde in my mind.
Even after the whole fiasco, I wish to meet her again and maybe talk or become friends.

My phone beeped and I turned over to pick it from the nightstand.
I have a message from Nathan and few from ladies I don't remember meeting.

I opened Nathan's message first and he wants me to meet him somewhere.
Since I've got nothing to do at the moment, it's ok to find out what that man is up to on a good day like this.

I got dressed and jogged down the stairs to the kitchen where my breakfast was already waiting to be devoured by me.
I went through my mails while eating and did the needful so I wouldn't have to go to work today, I cleaned my mouth when I was done and walked out of the house.

My car was already at the front of the house with my driver next to it.
"Don't worry Sam, I'd drive myself today" he nodded and handed over the keys.

It's been a while since I drove my own car and it feels good. I usually work in the backseat during the ride to and fro and I miss the good things.
The air smells so good and makes me relax, everything is fine. My grip on the wheel, my feet on the accelerator, the wind running through my air and mom smiling right next to me.
I close my eyes for a second and savor the moment since the road is free.

I wiped the tears that were forming at the corner of my eyes and step on the accelerator so I could get through this faster.

I finally got to the address Nathan texted and it's a coffee shop, I stood outside the cafe and wondered what Nathan was doing in a cheap place like this. It looked really small and I'm sure the people working in there bump into each other while preparing orders.

I walked in and spotted Nathan at a conner, he was grinning from ear to ear like a clown.
I walked over to him and took a seat at the table waiting for him to say whatever he called me here for.

"What is it" I asked
"Well, good morning to you too" he said rolling his eyes.
"Spill Nathan" I don't have time for his sassy moments this morning.
"Remember the blonde" he smiled again. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was high on drugs.
"Which blonde" I actually know the blonde he's talking about but I would sound desperate if I don't play dumb.
"The blonde that know what I'm talking about Myles" he broke into a laughing fit and got the attention of the customers in the cafe.
I rolled my eyes, I'm so not ready to deal with this guy today.
"What about her" I shrugged my shoulders like I didn't care but I did, I want to know what's going on with her.

"She works here" he said and nudged his head at something behind me.
She works here!

I looked at Nathan to see if he was joking around but he looked serious.

I turned and saw the blonde smiling at a customer.

I turned to face Nathan and he was wriggling his eyebrows. The boy must have weird thoughts in his head right now and I'd kill to know what they are.

"I can kill you right now, you know that"
"And you'll be lonely for life. Let's focus on little blonde"
"Don't call her that" I snapped
"But I don't know her name"
That's true
"Just don't call her that" I gave him a warning look so he can know that I'm serious.

Nathan wriggled his eyebrows and grinned like a fool. Of course nothing gets thrown his thick skull.
"Marking territory already" yes, my friend is a fool.

Nathan looked behind me again and his eyes widen, I tried to turn but Nathan stopped me.
"Don't look"
"Why" I asked.
Then I felt a feminine presence. Her perfume met me before she did and she smells really nice.
I've met a lot of girls but none of them ever smelt pleasing. They use perfume but it's like they took a bath in the bottle and that just makes me want to throw up.
But hers is just the right amount.

"Hi, what can i do for you today?"
I looked up at her but her smile dropped when she saw me.
"Hello cupcake" I said giving her my signature smirk.
"what would you like to have" she ignored my words and took out her note pad.
"That is not a good way to treat customers, darling"

"Well, what can I say, it's rare to have customers that bully my cousin" she said with a fake smile plastered on her face.
"You shouldn't insult me or call me names"
"I don't care boy, now give me your order or I'll dip your face in the toilet bowl and make you choke" she said giving me a fake smile.

Nathan stiffened in his seat for a moment. So she can make him behave but I can't.

"Latte and a pound cake please" Nathan blurted his words like he had hot coal in his mouth.
Seriously dude, are you that scared.
Little blonde turned to him and smiled.
"Wow, at least it's good to know there's someone better than dick head here"
Nathan's jaw dropped and the look on my face was priceless.
She turned to me
"Well" she asked
"Bitter and dark like your soul" she muttered and walked away.

I kept on staring into space trying to figure out if I was dreaming. She called me dick head and I didn't do anything. I looked in the direction she left and saw her talking to a red head.
The red head looked in our direction and I turned before I was caught staring, I looked at them again and saw the red head with her mouth hung open.

She whispered something in the blonde's ear and she laughed about it and shook her head, red head said something to her again and blonde looked at us.

The red head showed up with our order and i
didn't see blonde after that.

I really have to talk to her again.


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