club escape

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Damn you short legs, can't even save me.
"Look taxi" Bridget yelled
"Taxi" I waved it down
"Where miss" the taxi driver asked and i told him the address.

Once we were calm Bridget was the first to speak.
"As much as I'll like to say "thank Anna", I'll also like to yell at you. WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING"
"Geez woman. Don't make my ears bleed, I just saved your ass back there"
"But that was..."
"Ssh Bri"
"Can we forget about the club please"

"OK Anna"
"But you owe me food and ice cream"
"Whatever, thanks for saving me" she rolled her eyes and looked at her hands in her lap.

"Why are you far away from your dorm?"
"Because...." She trailed off and i could see the wheels turning in her head looking for some sort of excuse.
She couldn't come up with one so I didn't bother her.

The taxi dropped us outside the house and I prayed to God that mum and dad would be sound asleep upstairs. I may be a grown woman but that doesn't mean I can gallivant around by this time.

I tried my best to unlock the front door as quietly as possible.
I signaled to Bridget in my to take off her shoes and walk quietly with me but the dumb girl didn't get it.

"What are you saying?" Foolish girl, she couldn't even try to be quiet.
I raised my hand and felt for her head then raised it higher to land a knock on her head.
"Ouch, what was that for?" She winced and this time around I'm sure our neighbors heard.
"Be quiet Bridget, do you really want to explain to your aunt and uncle why you're so far away from your dorm by this time?"
That would be messy.

I can't see her but I'm sure she was shaking her head sideways.
"Good, now let's get to my room quietly"

Tip toe, tip toe, tip toe, tip toe, bam.
"Shit my head" I bumped into a wall, I thought the stairs was right in front of me.
"Are you ok?" Bridget whispered right next to my ear.
"No, I'm not. I bumped into a wall"
"Maybe we should just use the lights and not kill ourselves"
"No, they would notice the lights"
"But we can't see"
"Let's just try"
"Would you two keep it down."
Oh no.
The lights came on and my Dad was in the sitting room by the light switch.
I wonder how long he has been there.

"Good morning Dad"
"Good morning uncle"
"There's nothing good about the morning when two young women are trying to sneak into my house this late." He looked at us and accessed our outfits.
Of course the party animal is dressed like one.

"Just get to your room before she comes out and rain hell on you" he dismissed us with a wave of his hand and that was our cue to leave.
He may not be mad at us but if mum was here, we would all be in trouble.

"Wake up Anna"
"Five more minutes please"
"Wake up you're going to be late"
"Who cares"
"I do, now get your ass up" Bridget said as she pulled my duvet.
That didn't make me stand up instead I snuggled into my bed. I was happy that Bridget left me so I could sleep. Such a nice cousin.

I was about to walk through the gates of dreamland but something cold was dumped on me.
"Ahhhhh" I screamed and looked up to see Bridget laughing.
I take that back, bad cousin.
"You're going to pay Bridget"
"Come and get me" she stuck her tongue out.
Before I could reach back and grab a pillow to throw at her, she was already out the door.

All I asked for was five minutes, maybe ten or twenty.
"Anna if you don't come down in five I'll eat your breakfast" Bridget yelled from the other side of the door.
"You wouldn't dare"
"Watch me"
Oh no, not my precious breakfast. I've got five minutes.

I'm done dressing and I'm running down the stairs to save my precious food. And yes I look ridiculous because I managed to wear mismatching socks, a pink leggings with yellow polka dots and my hair looked like a bed nest.
"Good morning" I chirped.
"Where's the food" I asked.
Everyone was quiet for a moment but Bridget was grinning like a clown.

"So? Dad said looking at mum.
"OK you won" mum raised her hands in mock surrender.
What is going on?
"Did you guys place a bet on me" I asked.
Mum is drinking her coffee in a suspicious way, Bridget is trying hard to hold back her laughter and dad is reading the papers.... Upside down.
I guess it's one of those mornings where my mother is nice and friendly.
"Seriously" I sighed
Bridget burst out laughing and dad joined her soon but mum was still upset about loosing.
"The things my daughter do for food" dad said.
I rolled my eyes and sat in my spot and ate as much as I could eat then changed into something more appealing.

Dad was already at the door waiting when I was done.
"Let's go girls" dad said.
"You owe me aunt Amelia" Bridget yelled when we got to the door.
"Get to the car woman" I pushed her towards the car.
"I call shot gun" Bridget shouted.
"In your dreams, you're sitting at the back"
"Because you're a toddler"
"I'm not a toddler" she said and stomped her foot.
"I see... in the backseat toddler" I shouted
She got into the backseat and I got in with her.
"Why are you sitting here?
"Toddlers shouldn't be left alone" I said smiling
"I wonder who the real toddler is" dad muttered to himself.
"I heard that"
I caught his eyes in the rear view mirror and I could tell he was smiling.

Dad pulled over at Tiffany's and I took my time.
I hate working here.
"Have fun working with Tiffany" Bridget said in a mocking tone.
"Shut up toddler".

Phew (wipe imaginary sweat)
Bella isn't in trouble .....yet
What do you guys think about Bridget and Bella?
Keep your suggestions and comments coming.

Picture above is Amelia Carson, Bella's mother.

Love y'all*

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