Finding Solution.

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'You did that?' Augustus said staring at Alex in bewilderment as he finished explaining all what had happened between himself and Caroline from the very first day they met to the few moments they spent together in her room just now to her brothers, 'but you love her so much,' Augustine said from where he was standing, Alex raised his head from his hands that he had buried it and turned his face towards Augustine , 'I have seen the way you look at her, like she is the centre of your universe whenever she is not watching, seen the longing in those eyes, that is how I got to know that your marriage was somewhat faulty, left to my sister, I wouldn't have known anything because as kids she learnt to hide her expressions and emotions well from me but there are times she accidentally let that facade off and I get what she is thinking before shutting off. You see, all that matters now is that you Love her and you wouldn't hurt her, so for me, I wouldn't mind helping you' Augustine continued, making Alex nod his head at him in gratitude.

'I need the help of a person who could connect her phone to mine in a way that whenever she receives a call I get it too and then I will be able to know what ever those people are planning' Alex told the two men staring at him, 'that can't work' Augustus argued, ' Augustina would never forgive us, if she gets to know that we are encroaching on her privacy'

'But there is nothing any of us can do, we all know that the last thing she would do is to tell us whatever those people tell her and also, we would be able to track those people down without having to let her know or to stress her and the baby' Alex said to the two men,

It seemed to him that the two guys saw sense In what he said as they nodded at him ' but we will disconnect the phone and networks once the assignment is done' Augustus said.

Alex simply nodded in affirmation before Augustus continued, 'Augustine is a technology virtuoso,  he should be able to do that without any qualms'

Alex stared atvhis phone about 20 minutes later and let out a strangled groan, looking back at two curious pairs of eyes he answered the unasked questions, 'I need to go back to Crete', 'and you want to go with your wife?' Augustine asked. Alex gave a slight nod, 'I don't want to leave her to face this all alone, i can't leave her alone here with all these troubles, she needs a break, at least, she gets to rest' he stated however with concern evident in his Voice, 'I am scared she might not want to go with me,'


'Ain't you gonna pack your bags?' Caroline turned to face Augustine at his statement, 'why?' She asked him watching as he popped a cheese into his mouth munching like he didn't have a care in the world, 'your husband is going back to Crete and I really don't know what you are doing away from him' he answered shrugging like it was the most obvious thing, 'no one said he could not go wherever he wants' looking back to what she was doing, she replied him shrugging and stirring the pasta on the gas cooker.

'Sometimes you make me think your Marriage is fake, if I haven't seen the way that man stares at you, I would have concluded so' Augustine replied her, 'but that doesn't mean I totally believe it is real, you make no effort on your own part to be with him and the little he makes, you push him off' Augustine said taking one of the sliced and fried tiger prawns, draining it oil in a colander and shoved it into his mouth.

'What did he do to make you give your word on marrying him for the name of it?' He continued asking as if it was so obvious that the marriage was fake.

Caroline's hand shook slightly, she knew she needed to be careful, her brother was too close to home for comfort.

'I don't know what you are talking about' she answered him.

'If I get it right, when you were married to that Jones guy, you were his shadow until about a year before your divorce with him, so what is so different now?' Augustine asked.

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