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Alexander spotted Caroline running into Luciano's open arms, he couldn't explain what he felt seeing her in another man's arm, but one thing was for sure, she would never want to set her eyes on him now. Why hadn't he thought of it until now? He thought as he stopped his car under a mango tree, far from their view and watched them, he felt his heart beat rapidly as he saw Caroline sobbing into Luciano's shirt as he held her to himself, he knew he was the cause of those tears and he regretted every single drop of it.

He saw her shoulders shake at the magnitude of her sob and he hated himself more for being so blind and wicked, his phone rang and he looked down to see Marian's number on the screen, he groaned inwardly as he swiped at the screen cutting the call.

He looked up back to the scene in front of him and rage filled him as he saw Luciano angle his head and capture Caroline's lips with his, anger surged through him, making him see red, he was hurt too, that Caroline encouraged him, but seeing the angle of her head he knew something was wrong, he just couldn't fathom what the problem was.

Suddenly he saw Luciano lift her up and from the look of things, she appeared limp in his arms driving home the message that she had fainted, fear gripped him seeing her so vulnerable. His eyes trailed down her left arm hanging loosely in the air and he was shocked to see the swollen bites maring her beautiful skin, he gritted his teeth in anger and remorse, he wished he had found out the truth sooner or even before taking any action. But then, he never told anybody, so how did Luciano get to know? That remained a question to be answered later, he thought locking it up in a box at the back of his mind, he needed to attend to the weightier matters at hand. One thing he was sure of was that, she belonged to him and no man would take her from him.

He saw one of Luciano's bodyguard, who had appeared from only God knows where, open the car door so Luciano could place Caroline in the back seat, after placing her at the back and closing the door, Luciano went round to the other side where the door was also opened to him and he slid inside gracefully as well.

Alexander felt his phone begining to ring again and he looked down to see Marian's name appeared on the screen. He swiped the icon to receive the call, the voice that greeted him was like that of an angry dog's growl to which he clenched his jaw. 'Why didn't you come to my show and to worsen the matter, you refused to pick up my call?' The angry voice said. 'I am sorry, I know i promised you but i am so very busy right now' he said in a calm voice silently sending a warning to her not to pursue the matter, but it seemed she could not understand or get his silent message when she said.

'Too busy to come over to your girlfriend's fashion show?' He looked up a head of him to see Luciano's four wheels turning on around and heading back to, maybe his house. He pressed the button and the engine roared to life, ' why don't we talk when we meet, I need to go somewhere now' he said, 'you don't have time for me righ...' she continued but he swiped the red icon cutting the call. He maneuvered the vehicle expertly and followed Luciano's car, maintaining a respectable distance so he won't be suspected.


Caroline turned, restless in her sleep with sweat pouring  out of her skin like a river source. She jumped up from the bed as fear consumed her and at the same time pain shot up her arm reminding her that her nightmare was real. The room door bursted open to a scared and worried Luciano, 'are you okay? Why did you scream like that?' He asked, the worry in his eyes was so genuine.

But wait he said she screamed, did she? And what was he doing in her cell? She adjusted herself and felt something supper soft beneath her, the cell floor was hard not soft, so where was She?

Her head snapped up and she saw Luciano staring at her as if he was trying to figure a puzzle.

'Where am I?' She asked him making him break whatever he might have been thinking, 'my house' was his reply as he made his way towards her bed, 'are you okay?' He asked again making her nod her head in affirmation.

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