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Alex stared at Athens from the pinnacle of his hideout, where he had always come to as a teen who had believed that his mother hated him so much and wouldn’t even look at him. The hurt of that realization had made him also turn against his mother, wanting to hurt her as much as she had hurt his tender heart, now ‘supposedly’.

He chuckled darkly, he had made sure to hand over Adrianna to the police before he escaped to this place, not knowing how to face his mother after all he had done to her for seventeen years.

He snorted as the realisations of what he had done continued to hit him. Thinking back to those days now, he realized that, his grandfather must have sold him to the Valentinos because he had refused to kill again.

His grandfather had taught him how to perfectly use a gun since he clocked six and even at that tender age, he couldn’t remember how many enemies of his grandfather’s he had killed, not until he clocked thirteen and he made up his mind he wasn’t going to kill anymore. 

Even though his heart had hardened to the point of caring for no one’s life, the message his father had sent to him, his father, who had never known that he was already a killer had begged him, knowing fully well that he loved his mother and siblings, in their names, not to do the evil things his grandfather might ask him to do.

Even as a child, whenever they returned from an operation, he could remember his uncle telling him that killing was evil and that one day, those he loved might have to get killed for what he was doing to the lives of people.

The thought of his siblings and parents dying had made him make up his mind never to kill again compounded with the fact that, he had been trying to make his mother whom he had been made to believe hated him to see him as a good boy and maybe that would touch her heart and make her love him. In other words, he had been trying to impress her. 

Only for him to be told, two weeks later by some unknown men that his mother had sold him to them, after having him kidnapped.

‘What a joke’ he laughed bitterly as the truth dawned on him, his grandfather was the mastermind of it all, just to drive home the hatred he wanted him to have against his mother, which he later succeeded in. He had on several occasions begged his uncle Nikos to sneak him to his parents’ house so that he could have a glimpse of his mother.

On most of the occasions, he had always seen her holding unto a framed picture, looking so sad and on other occasions, he had seen her so happy as she talked to her other children.

His father and siblings had always visited except his mother and on each of those occasions, his father and siblings had told him that his mother sent her greetings and his favourite cookies of all time, which he always snuck into a container under his bed to eat at nights, so he wouldn’t have to share it with anyone.
‘Hiding here will solve absolutely nothing,’ startled, he turned around to find his wife and uncle who looked like he his spirit would soon leave his body, for the fear of the woman holding unto his arm tightly like a vice.

‘What are you doing here?’ he demanded from her.

Releasing Nikos arm, Caroline moved closer to her husband whose eyes were as red as coal, but before she could take a step towards him, Nikos was already out of the scene which made her chuckle.

‘Your mother was worried’ she stated staring into his eyes as she stopped in front of him.

Leaning towards him as far as her stomach could allow, she pecked him lightly on the lips, shocking him into speechlessness.


They were silent for a while as he helped her to get seated on the edge of the cliff they stood on.

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