...Full of thorns...

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Caroline smiled at her husband as they ate breakfast with his family, she has come to love his family as hers, his ever smiling and gentle mother, his chef of a father and his ever arguing and loving siblings, she was told they had an older sister whom she is yet to meet, unconsciously, she compared his family to her exs family and her smile widened with gratitude unto God for making that phase in her life pass by quickly, she was also grateful that she and her ex were divorced, if not, how could she have been part of this awesome family.

Her thought was brought back to the present and her smile faltered a little when she saw her father-in-law and Lena watching her with suspicion, reinforcing her smile she turned it towards them, making them avert their gaze from her.

The ringing of a phone took away the smile as she stared at her father-in-law who was now frantically searching his pockets for the ringing phone.

I left it he yeah got it he said as he brought out his phone and answered the call, unfortunately, the man must have mistakenly put the phone on speaker because the scream of daddy filled the air, from a rather too familiar voice.

She smiled when the man took the phone away from his ear and stared at it as if it had suddenly developed a karaokes speaker.

Removing it urgently from speaker and returning it to his ear, he said, Baby, its nice to hear from you too but can you please tune down the bass in your throat? And beside your lost brother has been found and he brought home a heavily pregnant beauty, can you believe that?...(pause) I miss you and my grandchild so much, so how is she and your husband?...(pause) that is great(pause) okay, I will pass the phone to her now Themis he mouthed to his wife as he passed the phone to her.

Hello baby, she said into the phone, every other thing that was said went into oblivion as the thought of her siblings invaded her, she missed them so much, sighing she decided to call them once they were done with breakfast, she was brought back to the present when the phone was presented to her, hello she greeted, you sound familiar the voice from the other end called out to her, of course, you expect me to sound any other way now do you? she asked smiling while pushing her way out of the dining table and chair confinement.

Serena, this is a surprise she said, mouthing a quick sorry to the family, who seemed shocked and confused, she made her way to the room she shared with her husband.

I never knew he was your brother she said to Serena who was a bit baffled, she paused for Serena to rant about Alex being a donkey for imprisoning her and putting her through all that he did, you would have known if you had come to our wedding, Caroline said to her friend, but I dont blame you, your daughter was hospitalized then, so you are forgiven. All I know is that you will be around once the baby comes she continued, she was glad that she had finally told her friend that she was finally going to be a mother and Serena had been so happy that one way or the other, through celebrating-the-good-news Serena had seriously been drunk that Caroline had had to call Serenas husband to pick her up.

Straight to business, the data we would be needing is complete Serena informed her, that is great, but the world doesnt know that Augustina Johnson and Caroline Theakis are the same person and that she is heavily pregnant now, so the data should be well kept, no one else must know about it until I put to bed Caroline said, even though she was feeling jittery inside of her, her composure was still cool until she heard a gasp from someone behind her.

Turning around, she was shocked to see Melissa staring at her shocked, her hand to her mouth, I will talk to you later she promised her friend and ended the call.

You mean, you are that infamous Nigerian Lawyer who never looses a case?

Dont shout, no one else knows she pleaded with Melissa.

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