Making an effort

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Caroline woke up to the smell of rose mixed the aroma coming from fried egg and plantain, she stretched and sat up in bed, sighing on realizing that again she was late for Church. She swung her leg over to the side of bed while struggling at the same time to get the duvet that was tangled with her legs off.

She placed her feet on the foot mat by her bed side and attempted to stand on her feet, but fell back on the bed with a slight yelp as pain shot up her right leg almost making tears fall down her eyes. She raised the foot up and crossed it over her left knee as she inspected it. It was well bandaged, how come she didn't remember or feel the plaster wrapped around her feet.

She closed her eyes and breathed  in deeply before releasing the breath.  A piece of paper caught her attention and she turned towards it and lifted it from the tray.

Opening the piece of paper, she read the awkward sentence, scribbled in a cursive writing across the paper. " Hi, made you breakfast".

'Of course', she said,  lifting the plate lid, the aroma wafted through her nostrils and she sighed in contentment but replaced the lid back to it original position.

She wasn't sure she wanted that for breakfast, as it was, she was craving some toast with baked beans. She tried to stand on her feet a second time and succeded but balanced more on her left foot, limping to the bathroom, she managed to do her business on time and left the bathroom in a towel, wrapped across her heavy breasts, with her dirty cloth on her arm.

She stopped as she sighted Alex looking out of her room window and he seemed to be lost in thought. She thought of going back into the bathroom and telling him to excuse her till she got done with dressing.

Taking a step back hastily, she screamed as the leg she unfortunately took back was her injured foot thereby exerting more weight on it and loosing her footing. She fell with a loud thud on the floor making her towel loosen up, but being who she was, she was able to secure it around her breast but not around her stomach that was quiet large for a four month old pregnancy. 

Alex turned around so fast that he thought he would suffer from a slight dizziness, to see Caroline holding her towel so tight to her chest and trying to cover her stomach at the same time, which of course she failed miserably at. His eyes trained on her position on the floor, in as much as he would have loved to see her bare before him, he couldn't afford to give her the chance to avoid him anymore than she had already done in the past, knowing fully well that this this time, her avoiding him will be from embarrassment.

He stepped towards her to help her up as he snatched the duvet from the bed, that was the easiest cover her could get at that moment.

'Here, you could use this' he said as he tried to place it on her. The words had barely left his lips when she snatched the duvet from him and wrapped it around herself. And since she couldn't hold on to the duvet and the towel at the same time with one hand while she was still trying to cover her exposed belly, she released the towel for a millisecond, making it slide down her chest, Alex caught a glimpse of her breast and the sight made his blood go into overdrive, making the fourth world war, taking place in his pants more uncomfortable, since seeing her belly that was swollen with his child had started the war in the first place, seeing her breast swollen with milk for the child made it worse than any war that could ever include blood shed.

He released the duvet to her and put his hands into his pockets, trying as best as he could to calm the storm in his pants, adjusting his pant to a more comfortable position and also trying to hide "it" from her.

He was like a horny teenager who just discovered his sexual drive for the first time, and like before, he surely was not about to send her out the doors with what he was feeling.

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