I promise to pay you back someday.

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Caroline hugged her brother closer to her body as the boy cried, she felt her own eyes becoming flooded again as she struggled to comfort the boy.

Gracia was fast asleep snoring softly on the bench beside her.

The recent events in their lives was enough to put a child in an external trauma not to talk of the shit that happened today.

She recited the name plate of the evil hit and run driver that had put her sister in the terrible situation she was in and sighed in satisfaction that she could still remember, she could take all the insults in the world, she could take all the pains, she could bear it as long as her family members were exempted. She was going to make the driver of the cab pay should anything happen to her sister.

She swallowed nervously as she looked around the hospital her father had worked and died. The same hospital her sister was now in, battling with death to stay alive. The tears ran down her cheeks now without control no matter how hard she tried to suppress it.

'I wish it had been me,' She heard her brother say, she looked down at him as she rocked his head on her chest back and forth gently the way he loved it.

'You don't have to say that Francis' She said. 'No wonder Gracia wanted away from her, she never runs from Francesca' he continued.

The truth of the word hit Caroline like a brick, the child might have been perceptive enough and she never paid attention to that little detail, she glanced up with a blurry eyes and hurriedly blinked away the tears that blurred her vision when trough her tears she saw the man who had drove them to this hospital come out of the ward shrugging off his robe and gloves.

He was definitely a white man and she wondered if he worked in the hospital, he was different from every other person there and they all seemed to hold him at a very high regard.

His slick black shoulder length hair was now in a ponytail unlike when she had first seen him raising Francesca into his arms, his, was it green or blue eyes sparkled like emerald for a moment then like the beautiful blue sea the next.

He got closer to her and she stood up looking expectantly at him and cussing her unruly thought but she couldn't deny the fact that he was an extremely handsome man who could have passed for a Greek god anywhere he went to.


Alex was lost, damn it, she was even more beautiful up close, he forced his throat open as he stared at her scared face, could a woman be so beautiful? The angry cry that erupted beside her made him realize he was staring too much and not giving her and the boy beside her the answer they wanted to hear. He waved his hand and the nurse behind the desk left walked away.

He brought his right hand forward for an handshake, 'I am Alexander Ambrose' he began and he watched as her full bow shaped pink lips trembled a little while she stared at his hand and finally shook it 'Caroline Johnson' She said with a voice that sounded as if she was singing.

'I believe the young girl is your sister right?' He asked as he eyed the little girl clinging desperately to her wrapper again, sucking on her thumb and looking at him curiously and afraid.

'Ina, I want to eat' the little girl said shifting her attention to the beauty.

'We will get you something to eat my love but only after hmm...' Caroline scratched her head as if lost of word as she turned to look at Alex waiting for him to give her the answer she wanted to hear.

Alex eyes moved to the kid whose eyes was now turned to him.

'You have nothing to worry about, your sister is fine now,'

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