Finding out the truth (2)

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Alex felt like a caged animal, living under the same roof with his prey, Caroline had been avoiding him for the past three days, never letting him close. He had returned from work two days ago just to find her scampering up the stairs to her room upon his arrival. The look on Maria's face, who she had been chatting with obviously had confirmed it. He was simply waiting for her to make an appearance before he pounced on her and that left him roaming his house like the predator he is. He knew he had messed up badly, but he was willing, more than anything else, before she finally slipped off his grip.

In other words, he had not gone to his office since he found her running from him. He had instead been working from home.

He was way more determined to make her stay, to make their relationship work and become a family.


Caroline stared at the document before her and sighed, the truth of the matter simply was that she couldn't concentrate and she was hungry. Dropping the documents on her bedside table, she swung her legs to the side of the bed and pinched her eyes. Carefully standing on her legs so as not to put her weight on the injured one, she stood up carefully. She was going to have to send Maria to get her more cookies, since her baby's father as she prefered to call him had decided to make the house his office camp. She was not just ready to face him, but then her appetite had grown considerably that at times she had snuck out of her room at night to get cookies in the kitchen. Which is what she was about to do again now at, she looked up at the wall clock in her room and sighed again, 2:30am Thursday morning.

She limped to the kitchen as silently as she could and opened the door, stepping in she put on the light and made her way to the freezer, fishing out her favourite ice cream tub, she took it to the kitchen island and limped to the fridge, opening the door, she peered into it and grabbed out a chocolate cake and a plantain chip. Closing the fridge door back, she limped to her chair and sat on it.


Alex who had been unable to sleep, had seen the kitchen light on, wandering what was going on, he walked into the kitchen with his eyes strained on Caroline's back and then realized that  this was the opportunity he had been waiting for.

Caroline must have sensed his presence because she turned to look at him before returning back to her treat.

'We need to talk' he said, advancing into the kitchen.

Caroline's ice cream tasted like a melting saw dust in her mouth, she had been dreading this moment but she was never going to give him the satisfaction of knowing.

'There is nothing to talk about' she said, finally giving up the pretence of eating. She pushed the snack away from her and stood up from the chair, now facing him but not looking at him.

'Yes we do' Alex stated firmly.

'What else do you want from me? I thought we had settled it all' she said calmly with a shrug not looking at him still, but looking at the kitchen door as if she would make a dash for it anytime soon, her voice and outer stance not betraying the inner volcano, threatening to erupt though.

'I apologized, are you just going to let that woman deceive you?' He stated heatedly, he took a step closer to her, closing in on the space between them. He took her hands in one of his large ones while he raised her eyes to meet his with the index finger of his other hand. 'Are you never going to forgive me? I hurt you, I know, but I am only a man. The fact that i couldn't control my emotions drove me to push you hard to the extent of hurting you. I loved my grandmother but I loved you too and I still do, i felt betrayed when I realized that my grandmother was poisoned and considering the fact that you made her meal drove me crazy, I was enraged and I did not want to hurt you. I was afraid that if I let you stay here, I would do something I would regret later on, i knew i could have sent you to your father's house but I just wasn't thinking straight then' he said, taking in a deep breath, he closed his eyes and shook his head, before opening it back. 'You made me feel things I have never felt towards any other woman before. You made me crave things I shouldn't crave, for the first time, I wanted a family, but I was scared too, scared that I would loose you and I would never be able to bear the pain. So I opted for pushing you away instead. I was bruised in my heart that day, I was vulnerable, because I couldn't comprehend that the only woman, apart from my sisters who loved me was killed by the woman I love, I felt betrayed and I couldn't handle it. Even though I never really knew what I had for you was then, but it pained me to have you punished the way you were punished but at that point i couldn't function well anymore'

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