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Caroline yawned as she stretched, the light pouring into the room from behind the opened curtains, she turned to her side to find her husband gone, she felt his side of the bed and found out that it was still slightly warm, meaning, he stood up not long ago.

Sitting up in bed, she heard the bathroom door open, she turned her face to look at it only to find Alex coming out with their laundry of the day before.

Good morning she greeted him a little bit shyly.

Alex smiled and walked gingerly towards her while her eyes followed his movement, he squatted down to her eye level and with a lovely smile, he placed a gentle good morning kiss on her lips before answering her in words, good morning love, hope you slept well? no she answered truthfully, on seeing the worried and confused look on her face, she answered his silent question.

You know I am always unable to sleep when I go to new places for the first time

Alex nodded in understanding only to look confused again, I did you know that I know that? he demanded.

well, I for one only allow people to know what I want them to know, I knew being who you are, you wouldnt want me to be your wife without knowing me, so, most of the information you got about me before the wedding came from me directly through my cousin to your private investigator

Alex looked at her bewildered, you? he asked for confirmation.

yes, she said getting up from the bed, but dont worry, everything you got are true about me she continued.

Also getting up from his position, Alex nodded at her, I must say, my wife is very knowledgeable and wise, never knew you could outsmart me and I love you for that he said as he drew her closer to himself and gave her a searing kiss

Ew, my breath is smelly, I must really taste stale by now with all the candies I begged Lena to smuggle in for me last night she said, pushing Alex away from her.

Releasing her from himself Alex looked around the room only to find a candy wrapper sticking out of a small locker by the bedside, where she had slept, moving towards it, he opened it to find wrappers upon wrappers of chocolates, cookies, home made cakes, sweets, brownies and a plastic of strawberry and vanilla ice cream, wiped clean of it content.

what time did you sleep? he asked her while still looking at the drawers content.

maybe, 3 pm Nigerian time? she said, I really dont know because I didnt bother looking at the time.

you know all these are really not good for you, he said.

When he did not receive any answer, he turned back to see her glaring angrily at him and before long, she was sobbing quietly which within seconds turned to full wailing.

men will never change. She said as she turned away from him.

Looking bewildered and confused he went after her and hugged her from behind while she tried all she could to get away from him as she cried louder.

I am sorry my love, he pleaded, I didnt mean to upset you.

Really? But you keep making it clear you love the baby and not me she yelled at him.

no, my love, that is not true

are you insinuating that I am lying again?

no no, my love, i would never do that

you should be grateful that I didnt wake you up, yet you blame me for eating all those, is it my fault? She demanded from him.

no, of course not, please forgive me

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