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Caroline wiped her tears as she opened the door and struggled to get down from the car. A hand appeared before her and she accepted it gladly as the person drew her up and out of the car, turning towards the person, she gave Theo a grateful smile as she waddled her way towards the door, a hand supporting her back as a backache bloomed there.

She shook her head slightly, knowing fully well that, she wasnt helping herself. The medications that were prescribed for her were still with Alex and because they werent in talking terms, she hadnt been able to ask him for them or the list.

She sighed unconsciously as she rubbed it harder, groaning, it might as well be from the push, Adrianna had given her at the shopping mall.

The front door opened to reveal a tired looking Alex who seemed to be on his way out to somewhere. She brushed past him without a word or a glance, as she made straight for the kitchen to get a glass of orange juice. she was however stopped when she felt a hand wrap around her wrist, turning her gaze to the hand, she looked from it to it owner, whose eyes held so much guilt and pain.

Can you let go, please? she demanded, even too tired to talk at the moment.

I am sorry came his reply as he still held unto her wrist like a lifeline which he was afraid to let go of.

Alex, I am not in the mood for this right now, please, just leave me on my own, I dont want to talk to you, I dont want to see you, she said as she wriggled her wrist away from his hold.

I was wrong. I know that I have not kept to my promise and I have hurt you again, I dont worth you, but please, give me he was interrupted as he followed her into the kitchen where she busied herself with pouring herself a glass of juice from the refrigerator.

I know I am nothing to you and it is obvious that we are together because of the baby, but that does not mean that, I have to be told twice before I know that I am meant to be on my lane. I know my place here, I know where I stand with you, I have no intentions of going through that insult again in my life, trust me. You accused me of not trusting you enough, yet, you know more about my life than I know about yours. Caroline said as her voice began to rise at the end of her last statement.

Gulping the juice, she dropped the glass into the dishwasher and moved towards him, You wanted me to trust you, she said nodding her head in the process as she looked him in the eyes, with everything in me, yet, I am not the one with the trust issues, but you she said stabbing him with her index finger on the chest.

I was like a fool before your family, when your fiancée ran into the dining room that day and wrapped herself around you like a reptile, around it prey, I trusted you enough to tell you about my toxic first marriage. A sob broke from her lips as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Yet, I am nothing to you, whereas, I am not the only one with secrets. She said nodding her head, as she dashed the tears off from her eyes.

Alex stared at her as every drop of tear that rolled off her cheeks felt like a punch to his solar plexus, knowing fully well that, he was the cause again.

Trying to hold unto her hands which she yanked away from his, she continued, I am not family as you so put it and I am nothing to you, I know my place as I am not worth even knowing about your past, why you treat you own mother like a plaque, why you were engaged to be married and I had to become the other woman to destroy your relationship with your oh so beautiful and mighty fiancée she said.

See, Alex, I am not interested in these troubles with you anymore, did you think I didnt know, that, you and that obnoxious ob/gyn you took me to were an item? And as I can remember, you freaking had me lie down on that stupid bed, you.both.had.it.on. she screamed at him now as more tears rolled down her face.

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