Finding out the Hidden Truth.

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It's been over two weeks since Alex travelled and he has not called her or found other means to communicate with her.

Still she hoped as she looked at her her phone screen for the umteenth time for the smallest highlight of a message from him but as usual it was blank.

She turned back to Augustus just in time to hear him tell them how he ditched his crazy ex-girlfriend who kept cheating on him and as the other times, also kept apologizing and promising never to repeat it only to be found the next day with another man.

Caroline laughed, it was one thing to hear your brother tell you his ex-girlfriend cheated on him and another thing for him to tell you that she went ahead to sue him for a settlement and then his reaction all together, went from crazy to dumb. A brother who has never been found wanting, when it cames to comebacks, going dumb because of a girl wanted a relationship severement settlement, made the whole matter funny and also, she could never remember anything called "boyfriend-girlfriend-relationship-severement-settlement"

Her phone gave a shrill cry and her gaze snapped towards it, she picked it up and excused herself from her siblings just as a car horn blared at the gate, the gatekeeper rushed forward to open it, she was only able to spare the car a glance before Leaving her brothers and sisters to it as she hurried back into the house and to the veranda at the other side of the house to pick the call.


Alex felt his heart rate pick, she was running again from him but he just wasn't going to let it happen again, they were going to settle this today, even if it meant telling the entire truth to her family and forcing her to acknowledge what was there between them, atleast he would make something right, destroy this farce of a marriage and get married to her for real, but then he wouldn't achieve that by just sitting in his car. He knew just what to do, he thought as he jumped down from the vehicle, slammed the door shut and half ran, half walked the same route he had seen her go, only grunting in acknowledgment of the greetings her younger siblings threw at him. He did not even wait to acknowledge Gracia's greeting that consisted of open arms and cute smiles.

He ran through the house looking frantically for her, the process making tendrils of his dark hair loosen from his nape and frame his handsome face.

A startled sob caught his attention, he made his way towards the sob that now seemed to be muffled by something, maybe clothe or hand.

Alex found himself going to the back veranda of the house which from experience knew was hardly used.

'Wait, I can't hear you anymore, I think the network is bad' And then the phone went on speaker, 'ok I can hear you now plea...'
'....I asked you to repeat yourself whore, you want me to let go? I told you didn't I? I warned you not to get pregnant with his child, Alex Ambrose is meant to be mine and I will stop at nothing to have him, but with that bastard of yours in the way, it will be hopeless to achieve and that can never happen...'

'Isn't it enough that I am sacrificing my love?  I suggested abortion when he discovered I was with his child and he rejected it, it is not as if I would have gone through with it anyways and I explained to you. It is not my child's fault that he used and dumped you, it is not his or her fault that he wasn't in love with you either, I love him but I can't let my child pay for the sin ofvthe father that is why i suggested leaving the city just before the birth of the child and we agreed to that, now you are telling me I need to get rid of the child if I don't want you to pull the trigger on my baby after it birth right in front of me. Why can't you just let go? You can find the man who would love you and...'

'It is enough' an angry howl came through the speaker, ' You have spoken enough miss lecturer, I would have wanted nothing else than to pull the trigger on you too if not for the agreement between me and my partner, in other words, I am letting you know that I am not in this alone, I am in with a fool who claims to love and he wants you, your death would have been acceptable if not for him'

'What else do you want me to do? I can't keep living in fear because Alex made a mistake, you and your partner don't get to decide whether I live or die, I am tired of this, for the past four and a half month I have been scared for my baby's life and now mine, fine do your worst cos I am done here' Caroline said through gritted teeth and tears as she cut the line off.

Dashing angry tears off her face, she turned to leave but stopped dead on her track, her eyes widened in fear as Alex's angry face came into her line of view, his blue green eyes had gone deep and she knew she had been found out, turning her face away from his, she looked everywhere but him and on second thought she decided to walk off even as more tears leaked out of her eyes.

Alex's tight grip on her hand and the sharp thug he gave her, had her collapsing on him if not for the protruded belly between them.

Fear brightened her eyes as she looked up at him but before she could understand what he was about to do, his angry lips had found hers and the kiss was brutal.


Anger flowed through Alex's vein as he struggled to comprehend what the woman he loved had done to him as he punished her thoroughly with his lips, teeth and tongue, the thought of his child dying had him placing his right hand on her belly between them while he angled her head with the other and deepened the kiss.

He tasted something metallic that could have only belonged to blood just as he felt a tiny sharp kick on his right hand as well.

Shock and excitement had him releasing her lips just as she yanked it off his, her eyes wide with shock and great fear.

The baby just kicked and from the look in her eyes, it was new to her.

Blood dripped from her lips and he knew she wasn't only afraid of the kick they just experienced from their child but also of him.

His eyes widened as it moved to rest on his hand still nestling her belly as pain sliced through him, being a medical practitioner, he knew his child must have felt the fear of his or her mother, maybe that was what elicited that kick. He moved his hand underneath the belly as he raised his eyes to Caroline's, her eyes was swimming with tears as she tried to wipe the blood from her brutalized lips off and this time when the kick came, it was stronger, he felt it, he was happy for the moment and at the same time sad, because he had allowed his anger rule him again, but then who wouldn't be angry when you learn from the only woman who has been able to make you feel things you never thought you could and that you have just gotten to know loves you as well, that some psycho wants your child dead, not only the child but your child's mother as well if not for another mentally deranged bastard who wants her alone for himself.

Caroline could barely look into his eyes as she side stepped him and made her way into the house with heavy sobs.

Alex stared at her until she finally disappeared from his sight, he balled his hands into fists as he restricted himself from letting out his frustration on the wall, a shallow throb on his right hand forced his mind back to what he had just experienced and if the look on Caroline's face was to go by, he had experienced his child's first kicks with her and if not for the circumstance under which it came, he would have considered it extremely amazing.

He raised his Palm to his lips and he kissed it with his eyes closed as he savoured the moment.

With a new resolution, he opened his eyes, nothing was going to happen to his child, nor his love.

Anyone who wants them dead will have to leave the world first.


Sorry guys, I am yet to edit this book, so please bear with me for now till I am done writing, then the editing can come.

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