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Caroline nodded in satisfaction, as she burped little Karen while also disconnecting her call, two months after the babies delivery.
She moved to the baby cot which belonged to Karen and placed the sleeping beauty who sucked her little tongue, perhaps, thinking she was still being breast fed, Caroline smiled and placed a kiss on her daughter’s forehead, she loved her children so much and her family adored them too, she had made peace with her cousin, whose name she found out was Magdalene, they had even bonded up well than she could have ever expected.
After the birth of the babies and her rest, she had received a serious tongue lashing from her grandfather who berated her for distancing him from her life and ordeal, she had apologized to him with the excuse that she doesn’t want to give him extra heart aches, not after the death of his only daughter and her husband.
Her grandfather, the current Chief Justice of Nigeria had berated Alex and threatened to throw him in prison for not doing the right thing by his grand daughter but for the sake of his great grandchildren who had become his delight, never the less, he still promised to send him to life imprisonment, should he treat her the way her ex-husband, Edward, did, to which Alex gave his word and undying love.
That had made her grandfather happy and had made them promise to have a real wedding after the babies have been nursed to the point of attending their parents wedding, to this, they had both agreed.

She smiled at her husband who rocked baby Mark in his cradles with love and adoration in his eyes, the babies had started crying at the same time, so they both had to feed them together and put them to sleep.
She was flipping through the evidences she had when Alex joined her, ‘so, you have succeeded in arresting the policeman who tried to rape you in the cell?’ he asked her, she only nodded her head with a slight ‘hmm hmm’ as she continued flipping through the papers, ‘Will you take on Cindy’s case?’ he asked again, making her turn her head towards him this time around, ‘she killed grandma, so definitely, that is a yes’ she said and continued to leaf through the papers.

Two days later found her in court, in her law regalia and her subtle makeup which was done in a way that changed her face totally, that no one could ever connect her to her everyday Caroline, yes, this was Augustina Johnson.
A scared looking police man was escorted into the court room, with hand cuffs, not long after the ruling judge had his seat and the whole room fell in silence for the process to begin. 
She moved towards the policeman with the permission of the judge and began to accuse him of sexually molesting some of the female prisoners, which was denied by the man, until she demanded he produced his original name badge.
This the man did effortlessly, smiling to herself, she produced the one she had taken from him and asked for a professional who could authenticate between a forged and original item.
To which the badge she presented was certified original, moving ahead, she accused him of trying to rape Caroline Johnson and when she refused, he rammed a knife into her arm, and the Caroline who was too traumatized to face him only released the evidence she had to the lawyers.
The policeman who looked taken aback at first shook his head in the negative and pleaded with his own lawyer to speak up.
Lawyer Brain, the defendant lawyer countered her question and demanded that a proper evidence be given instead of accusing his client without any witnesses.
To this, Augustina nodded  and signaled to Serena who brought in a woman in her mid-forties, dressed in a dull over worn cream coloured satin and a little girl of fifteen years old, holding a baby, swapped in a faded shawl.
She looked at the face of the police man which had gone absolutely pale, taking the witnesses to the witness box, she took them through the ritual of oath taking before collecting the baby the teenager held, carefully from her.
‘My Lord, Lawyer Brain demanded for an evidence, here is one who has decided to take up the case against her father, for forcefully  having intercourse with her, to the point of having a baby out of it’
A gasp could be heard in the whole room as the teenage girl and her mother began to weep, when asked to give their comments the mother attested to what was being said as the truth, according to her, their daughter was barely ten years old since he began to force himself on her and whenever she, the mother complained, he would beat her to pulp and promise to kill the girl should they report to anyone, he had even gone ahead, just before the birth of the baby he had with his own daughter, stabbed the girl on her legs as a threat, because, she would not abort another child for him, with the fear that she would die.
Even though he had always promised to find and kill them both should they run away, the only hope they had had a few months before the birth of the little boy was that, Augustina Johnson’s  colleague, Serena had found them and taken them in, till the birth of the baby a month ago.
They had even had to run away the day Serena had located them, because he had threatened to kill both mother and daughter with her pregnancy, if he returned home without the pregnancy gone and according to him, he wasn’t comfortable having his way with her since her belly was too huge.
The rage was palpable in the court room, but no one dared to talk as it would be seen as contempt in the face of the court.
To this evidence however, the defendant’s lawyer had nothing to say, making the police man to be sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labour.
The next case which came in, about two hours later, after the court break was Cindy’s who was sentenced to death by hanging, after all, she was already a citizen having met the country’s requirement for permanent citizenship.
Caroline was happy, going home to her husband and babies after yet, another day of victory against hardened Criminals according to her.
Pedophiles who took interest in their own children and other underaged kids needed to be dealt with and as many as she could find, she promised make miserable.
She couldn’t imagine things like that happening to her sisters and daughter, Karen, or even Francis and Mark, she knew it might make her run mad.

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