I can't bear this

453 14 3

Caroline felt the headache bloom as she typed away at her keyboard, she relaxed back a little and massaged her head. For the past six days now, her husband hasn't returned home and the fear of the worst had her working herself to death, well at least that is what she would say it is. Her husband was leaving her for the other lady and she couldn't do anything to it. She sighed before resuming her typing.

'Would you just take pity on the poor keyboard?' Her boss' voice had her jumping a little.

She placed a slim hand over her chest as she glared at her boss.

'Jeez! Serena you are willing to kill me happily without regret, I can see that in you.' She took a deep breath before staring back at her computer blankly.

'Do you want to talk about it?' Serena asked as she glided gracefully towards caroline's desk.

Caroline nodded as tears streamed down her beautiful cheeks, she was trying her best to put the damn waterfall off but it just wasn't working, she felt pathetic.

'I had an argument with my husband six days ago' She began 'and he hasn't returned home since then.' Serena handed her a box of paper towels to wipe her tears.

'I feel he doesn't love me anymore because I couldn't give him a child, I have done all I could to support him, to make him feel loved but all I end up getting out of it is pain. Pain pain pain, damn pain every time. And I know he is cheating on me, his mother is another matter entirely, she is always on my neck and I feel I can no longer breath even in my own house.' She sobs.

'I understand you girlfriend, I know what you must be going through, but do you think you have offended him in anyway to warrant the treatment you are getting from your husband and his mother?' Serena asked.

Caroline sniffed as she looked up into her friend/boss' eyes, 'no, none that I can remember'. 'Fine, all is going to be fine'  'all you need to do when he returns home as a good wife who would do anything to keep her home and her husband is for you to apologize even though you know you haven't done any wrong to him, just apologize cos I don't want to believe that he is just being difficult to you because you can't bear him a child at least there are other options you could explore, options like,' Serena gesticulated with her hand 'adoption, test tube babies and so on.'

'I......' Caroline began only to be cut short by Serena's phone ringtone. Serena looked at the screen of her phone to see her brother's name come into view. 'Oh shit, I totally forgot' She said as she raced to her office, 'what?' Caroline asked as she raced after her. ' I need to get this file to Alexander Ambrose's office now' Serena answered as she tried to put on her shoes. 'Don't worry I will go' Caroline said as she felt guilty for making her friend forget totally about the important file and she felt she could make it up to her by summiting the file at the appropriate office for her.

'You don't have to do that, you could go home and use some rest' Serena said. 'No, Serena please let me do this at least, I shouldn't have brought my personal problem to the office thereby causing this rushing for you, besides, you have to attend to the production department records and account, we need to know why money keeps getting missing, and you know you are still going to go through two more records and accounts.' ' besides I could always go home from there.'

Serena stared at her for a while, running her words through her mind before finally giving in.

'Fine, get this to the boss himself,' She said handing the file to Caroline who took it and nodded.

'I love you girlfriend'Serena said blowing Caroline a noisy kiss.

That seemed to bring in some light to Caroline's dull eyes a little before she nodded and walked out of her boss' office.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Caroline stared at the tall heaven scrapers building, well it could pass for a heaven scraper with 60 floors right?

She sniffed nervously as she made her way into the building, her pencil skirt riding up a little as she struggled to keep her pace even. She got into the elevator and pressed the button for the 50th floor. Wait was it the 50th floor or 60th floor now, she scratched her head nervously trying to remember, shit! How could she have forgotten just now?

The door opened bringing her out of her dilemma, in order to avoid making a fool out of her self, she stepped into the building and walked over to the Secretary who was typing away at her keyboard. 'Good afternoon, please I am here to see Mr. Alexander Ambrose,' She  said to the Secretary whose smile fell on seeing her. 'He is not on seat' She replied rudely before she continued typing on her computer not even glancing up at her again or acknowledging her presence. 'Pfft' Caroline threw her head back in exasperation and turned on her heels to leave 'So, what is barren doing here?' A well known voice stopped her on her track. Every where became quiet as everybody on the floor stopped working or talking and she and her husband became everybody's sole focus even "rudie" the Secretary. 'Have you started cheating on me' he continued as shock ricocheted through her. 'Ed, please you don't have to embarrass me like this, you don't have to humiliate me in front of every one here, we could always resolve this issues between us when we get home,' She pleaded as she looked towards "rudie" who was smirking at her.

'Common, being an empty vessel, a barren bitch,  a worthless valueless animal, what else are you?'

Tears fell out of Caroline's eyes as she ran on shaky legs to the elevator and pressed the button for the bottom floor blindly.

She ran out of the building with her head bowed as she desperately tried to hold on to her self esteem. She never even thought she would be able make it out alive, She was afraid that she would die out of all the humiliation the man she considered her better half latched at her in his work place. She hated herself  as she walked with a shattered dignity to the bus stop to take a bus home. Where she would release herself into the pain that clogged at her heart like a fist.



Terrible husband issues.

Loosing dignity and feeling terrible.

That is not what a beautiful woman is supposed to be facing, but what can our poor Caroline do?

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Thank you all.

And one more thing,

Love you.

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