I want my room

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Alex turned her towards himself and kissed her lips searingly as they stepped into the restaurant's VIP section where he had earlier booked.

Her brothers and sisters who were already waiting for their arrival were seated around the table which held a bucket of ice cubes and two Champaign bottles, with several goblets.

He wasn't putting up a show for her siblings, he just wanted to express what he was feeling and he knew she would never let him up close without an audience, so he was willing to make use of every opportunity he had.

He wanted to apologize for what he had done to her, but knowing very well that she was not in the mood to forgive him, that is, if ever she will be in the mood to forgive him, ever.

But he was still going to try anyways.

She stilled in his arms as he pried her lips open with his tongue, she hesitated for a while and maybe remembering that her siblings were watching, she reluctantly responded and after about 2 minutes, she broke the kiss.

'We were not meant to do that, I just had to cooperate to convince them, Augustine is a natural psychologist, he knows everything running in  people's mind by merely looking at them, and from the look he has been giving me, I know he is suspecting us, but that does not mean we have to go this far' she said in a whisper that was meant for him alone, with a small smile that looked so real, it could convince even the wisest man on earth that what she was doing was genuine.

He simply smiled and nodded before placing his right hand on the small of her back and guided her to her seat amongst her siblings, he brought out the chair for her to seat on and pushed it back in after she sat down before taking his own seat directly beside her.

The waitress, a beautiful curvy lady of about 26 years brought the menu, and while looking at the menu, he  heard an angry snort beside him, 'can you just take your eyes away from him, he is married'

He looked up to see Francisca glaring at the lady angrily and he smiled, so nice to know that the little girl is marking her sister's territory.

He waited for everybody to pick what they wanted to eat, Caroline helped Gracia pick her's and she also ordered for some delicacies that left the waitress looking at her like a bimbo, he stared at her in awe and smiled before ordering his own meal and sending the waitress away.

He felt someone's eyes on him and looked up to see Augustine watching him with a small smile which he returned.

The waitress and four waiters arrived with their orders and he paid adding a very large tip.

They all ate their meal and visited so many other places, having fun till late in the night bafore finally going home.

Alex was happy that he was able to return her to his home, their home.

He looked down at her sleeping form in his arms, she had fallen asleep in his limo and he had not bothered to wake her up as he knew that she must be very tired from the long day they all had.

He kicked his bedroom door open and shut it with a kick after him too. He strode over to his bed and laid her down on it.

He undressed her leaving her in her so revealing lingerie that had the third world war erupting in his suit pants. He raked his hand through his hair in frustration, making his ponytail loosen from it hold.

He could not deny the fact that he had really wanted her from the moment he had seen her step out of her father's house gate, or had been a battle to hold himself and knowing that he still had no right to touch her was like hell.

He sighed knowing that a very, very cold bath was needed to bring his temperature down, so he made his way to his bathroom where he had one of his longest bathes.

He got back to his room and realized that he could not stay in the same room with her, without touching her.

So he decided to attend to his business matters that needed his attention.


Caroline turned restlessely in her sleep, she knew her nightmare was coming up again and she needed to stand up, but her bed seemed to be more comfortable today than any other day she had lain on it.

She tossed and turned and when she knew she couldn't take it anymore, she got up from the bed and as fast as she could, she ran to the toilet with a hand on her mouth and the other on her stomach, on finding the toiltet bowl, she squatted before it and emptied everything in her stomach into it, coughing and panting at the same time.

She felt a hand pat her back as she released another mouthful into the toilet bowl, she had been startled at first but when her body voluntarily relaxed into the hand that was now trying to brace her up as she flushed the toilet, she allowed her mind to be at rest.

She felt so tired as her eyes darted to the platinum wall clock, it was already 5 o'clock in the morning and she knew she had to begin to get dressed for her office, the 3 months wedding holiday was over and she could not wait to get back to work and see Serena her boss and friend.

She turned to look at Alex, the concern was etched on his oh so handsome face that she felt guilty for putting it there.

'You should get some rest,'he said as he led her to the bed. Her eyes strained on the bed and she knew it wasn't her's. She looked around and realized that she was in his room, she gasped and looked at him peeling herself away from his arm, 'what am I doing in your room?' She asked him as the event of what had happened came rushing back to her.

She looked down on herself and gasped loudly, this time in horror as she quickly attempted to use her hands to cover her body.

'Did you...un...undress me?' She asked, Alex folded his arms across his chest, emphasizing his broad shoulders and chest. 'Yes I did, I couldn't let you sleep in your clothes' he answered, and seeing that her eyes were trained on his bulging arm muscles and chest, he moved to the other side of the bed and began to pull off his black polo vest which he had worn through the night as he continued 'at least, your lingerie was more comfortable'.

Caroline stared at him as he pulled the cloth off, she saw the tattoo of a cross on his back and something was written along the lenght of the cross, her eyes moved further down and her eyes caught two dimples, each on the lower part of his back just a little above his butt, she snapped her eyes away to look up at his head only to meet his eyes staring at her in the bedside mirror.

She looked away and cleared her throat,  'I am going to work today, so i can't stay at home and I want my room,' she said as she looked around to look for her dress.

'Work?' Alex asked.

'Yes work, i was working before i met you and my boss gave me three months holiday off because of my Wed...I mean, the wedding and I have to return to work'

'Why do you have to work? I can give you everything you want,' Alex said, the thought of her stressing herself and the baby was unsettling.

'I don't want anything from you, I can work to take care of myself, you are free to do anything you want for your child, I can take care of myself, I don't want your charity' she said as she put her dress on.

Alexander watched her helplessly as he raked his hand through his hair in frustration, he did not want to act all commanding but at the same time, the thought of her working did not go down well with him.

'Be careful' he said at last, 'I don't want anything happening to you or the child...Please' Caroline nodded and stretched fort her right palm, 'key?' She demanding and he placed it on it.

He watched her walk out of his room like a queen and he sighed as he got out of the remains of his clothes, he could not deny it that the way her eyes had caressed his back had not affected his libido and that it had taken all he had not to have his way with her in that sexy lingerie.

He wrapped his towel around his hips and made his way to his bathroom, he had a feeling that today was going to be long for him, but he just prayed that she would be safe.


Hello fams, here is another update, just for you and I hope you all enjoy it, as always, please ignore my mistakes until I get the book edited, thank you all and enjoy ya'selves.

Love you all.

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