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Two hours later, the whole family sat in the living room, with Caroline demanding to be left alone as she was okay and not some invalid who needed constant care, as she felt the care they were giving to her, would suffocate her, sooner or later.

Nikos sat two chairs away from her as he coward in fear, Caroline smiled encouragingly at him but he refused to meet her eyes.

She looked around to see the expectant and curious faces of the people she had come to love so much.

‘I want to return to Nigeria’ she began, making her mother-in-law’s eyes to begin to water, she was going to continue when a worried looking Adrianna walked into the house, looking frantic while her (Caroline) phone pinged at the same time, she looked at the face of her phone, which was just gotten for her by her father-in-law after her other phone got spoilt, having saved her contacts on the cloud drive, she was able to call her siblings that she was okay and doing well.

Francis’ number popped up on her message icon, it looked like a video but she didn’t play it until she got the written text he sent to accompany it, “you lied that you were alright, they did all these to you?’

Wondering what he meant, she was about to play it but stopped again when a high pitched, ‘you left us all worried’ snapped her attention back to Adrianna whose glares were sending her silent and dangerous warnings.

‘So what happened to you?’ she demanded.

Caroline sat back on the chair she was sitting on as her back began to ache her seriously, she looked Adrianna seriously in the eyes as the atmosphere became so tense.

‘She is worried because she tried to help find you too, though, we all know she can be selfish at times, but I was happy for her support this time around’ her mother-in-law explained.

Caroline stared at her mother-in-law and smiled as she talked, the words got on her nerves that she so wanted to tell her to stop talking, but she knew it would be disrespectful and to do that would not give her the satisfaction she wanted to get once she got Adrianna and her grandfather-in-law busted in front of her husband.

Nodding her head, she turned to Adrianna whose eyes kept warning her. Ignoring the aches on her back, Caroline sat up and looked Adrianna straight in the eyes, before saying, ‘Thanks, I really appreciate your care…’ pausing for a while, she continued, ‘but, do you care explaining what happened to me, cos the story will be more believable coming from you, I don’t know what happened when I blacked out, but you could fill us in’

Adrianna threw daggers at her with her eyes, before she replied her, ‘I was looking everywhere for you, I dont know what you are talking about… look, I know you don’t like me, but that doesnt mean that you can accuse me wrongly without an evidence, because, I don’t know what you are trying to insinuate here’

Seeing that, she wasnt going to be safe, as her silent threats had refused to intimidate Caroline, she decided to leave because she knew, she wouldn’t make it out alive if the truth got known. She began to regret why she obeyed her only supporter in the family to find out if Caroline had made it back.

‘I am leaving I can’t just seat here while you accuse me, not appreciating my concern’ she said as she stood up to leave, making the Theakis family feel uncomfortable as it seemed that they were ingrates on behalf of Caroline for wrongly accusing her.

Caroline smiled as everyone else looked on in confusion, she however loved how coordinated they were as they just looked on without asking her questions.

‘Where do you think you are going?’

Turning to Alex with a warning glare she stated as a matter of fact, ‘she must not leave her seat if you want to know what happened to me’ the seriousness in her tone made everyone in the room shiver, except for Alex and his father, knowing he had heard the voice somewhere before, and in the court of law, Alex knew she meant business, so before Adrianna could bolt for the door, he pinned her down to her seat.

‘You kidnapped me, that is what I am insinuating, you conspired against me with your supposed grandfather-in-law to kidnap me, he was going to do what he did to mother to me, trying to force me to abandon my child, he was going to induce me into labour and take my child from me, he promised to kill me, so that the child would not hate me as much as Alex hates mother, he turned Alex against mother, refusing to tell him that she had to abandon him because he threatened to kill him, immediately after birth, if she refused to give him up, he sold him into your family at the age of thirteen just to buttress his point against mother, drawing out hatred from the son for his mother’

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