Chapter 38

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I started running to the base. Daron was right. Teresa betrayed us. She is evil. How did I not see that? I have to warn them. I was almost there. 

"NO" I yelled as a helicoptor flew over me. 

A bomb was shot and blew up the helicoptor. What the shuck. I ran to the base and made it. I saw Daron holding a bomb launcher. 

"THERE IS MORE COME ON" Daron yelled. 

Everyone was prepared to fight WCKD. More helicoptors came and people came out of them. There was explosions and people shooting each other. I ran threw the village to find my friends. The hospital tent was in flames. 

"BRENDA" I yelled. 

She is still in there I think. Someone ran up to me from behind. I jumped a little but turned around surprised but releaved to see Brenda. 

"Where have you been Daron told us WCKD was going to attack. Come on" said Brenda. 

We ran and I followed her to find the others. I'm surprised that Daron tol, wait hold up. Is that? It looks like Daron's secret boyfriend. Wasn't he injured? I guess not too badly if he is able to fight like this. 

"Take this hermano" said Jorge giving me a gun. 

I took it and started attacking WCKD's men. WCKD threw a grenade and we were electrocuted. I fell to the ground and it seemed like WCKD won as they shot the others. Those of us who weren't hit were out of bullets. A berg landed and we were all grabbed by WCKD. The effects of WCKD bomb was started to wear off. My senses came back and WCKD came out of the Berg. 

"Why didn't you run" asked Minho. 

"I can't leave you behind dad" I said. 

WCKD started scanning everyone. 

"DON'T TOUCH ME" Daron yelled. 

"A15, the royal alien" said the worker. 

"How many did we get" asked Janson. 

"Looks like all of them. We are still scanning sir" said a worker. 

The guy tried to scan Daron's boyfriend. 

"HEY, GET YOUR HANDS OFF SHANK" he yelled as he squirmed. 

The man looked at the scanner. 

"Sir, you're gonna want to see this" said a worker. 

"What" I asked. 

Janson walked up to them and took the screen. He chuckled. 

"Well, welcome back from the dead A3" said Janson. 

Back from the dead? What the fuck does that mean? It started to snow for some reason. It reminds me of when my mom gave me to WCKD. It was snowing that night. I saw Daron's skin turn blue. What the fuck? 

"Sir, it seems we are in for a blizzard" said a man. 

Janson and the man looked at the radar. I was starting to get cold. A howl was heard in the distance. Where the shuck are there wolves? It's a fucking desert out here. So how is it snowing? 

"Let's hurry and start loading them in the berg" said Janson. 

I could feel the wind picking up. A wckd worker was pulled into the blizzard and screamed as he was eaten alive. 

"What the hell was that" asked Sonya scared. 

"I requested back up. They are here and love hiding in blizzards when they feel like using stealth" said Daron with a smile on his face. 

The screams were gone. I stayed closer to Minho and Newt. A few WCKD workers loaded their guns. We sat there waiting for whatever lerks in this storm to make another move. There was more howls. I was sitting at the edge of the crowd and tried to see the creatures of the storm. I saw a figure that looks like a man. 

The Scorch Trails But Without Death (Survive #24)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu