Chapter 40

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Daron created a knife of ice and freed himself. He bolted up and cut Ava's eye out. 

"Well, guess we have to do plan B then" said Daron. 

The blue aliens freed the others. 

"RUN, NOW" Daron yelled looking at us. 

We ran into the storm while the aliens fought WCKD. 

"Shoot them" said Ava. 

WCKD started shooting people. I kept looking back as I ran. Daron and his boyfriend were captured. His family tried to save him but there was too many. I looked back and saw Minho was shot. 

"MINHO" I yelled. 

I tried to run up to him as Minho fell. 

"THOMAS COME ON" Ben yelled pulled me. 

"THEY GOT MY DAD" I yelled. 


I looked at Minho. He was grabbed by some WCKD workers. Sorry Minho. I turned and kept running. It's wrong to leave him behind. I'm a terrible boyfriend. WCKD stopped shooting and started to board up everyone. We stopped running and turned to see WCKD boarding the berg. That got a number of us but no one died I think. I looked around to see who was left. I saw Chuck be carried onto the berg. My heart shattered. He is like a brother to me. A few people cried as their friends were taken away. The berg was loaded and the door closed. It took off and flew out of view. They were all gone. WCKD has them. Once WCKD was gone the right arm did a head count to see who was all here. I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. Daron knew that this would happen. I couldn't protect my friends. 

"Thomas" said Vince. 

"Ya, I'm here" I said. 

I wish the others were as well. We finished checking who is still here and went back to the camp. It was destroyed. A couple people from the right arm were injured and a few were taken. Those of us left went threw the camp to see what was still usable. After going threw the camp it was decide that we would go to sleep and figure out what to do tomorrow. I laid on my make shift bed on the ground. I can't sleep. How can with the others gone? 

"You still awake Tommy" asked Newt. 

"Ya, I can't sleep" I said. 

Newt laid down with me and held me. I rolled over and hugged Newt as I cried. 

"It's okay Tommy" said Newt. 

"No, they're gone. Minho is gone" I said. 

I remember his voice.

"So, any of you up for some shower fun" asked Minho. 

"What the shuck is that" asked Chuck. 

"Don't have sex over there" said Winston. 

"Ya, none of us want to hear that" said Zart. 

"Maybe later Min" said Newt.

Minho, Newt and I found a tunnel on the bottom. 

"So this is what the world was like before the scorch and cranks" said Minho. 

"Ya, it's kinda nice" said Newt. 

"I wish this was our life" I said. 

"It may not be our life but I can do this" said Minho. 

He sat me on his lap and started to rub me. 

"Minho, we already did that" I said as I moaned. 

"But we can do it again" Minho whispered. 

"Just be quiet Tommy. We don't want anyone to hear" Newt whispered

"As your punishment" Minho started. 

"But I didn't do anything. Teresa kissed me after I told her I'm gay" I said. 

Newt spanked me. Minho put his finger on my lips. 

"No back talk. I was talking for entering the maze but we will remind you that you are ours" said Minho.

"You can take him" said the women. 

Minho picked me up and the doctors cleaned the supplies. Minho took me to our bedroom and Newt walked with us. 

"The dentist said you will be a little tired" said Minho. 

"Guess I should brush my teeth" I said tiredly. 

"You're lucky you don't have a bloody cavity" said Newt. 

We entered our room and Minho laid me on the bed. It was comfy. Newt and Minho laid with me and covered us up.

I cried as Newt hugged me. 

"It's okay Thomas. We will get Minho back" said Newt. 

"I know, I'm gonna kill Teresa and the rest of WCKD. None of this would of happened if they didn't come here" I said. 

"Good that. Now get some sleep. Minho would tell you the same bloody thing" said Newt. 

I closed my eyes and snuggled with Newt. Some how, I was able to sleep.

The Scorch Trails But Without Death (Survive #24)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum