Chapter 27

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I walked around as I looked for them. 


I cried some more. I turned and ran into Brenda. 

"Brenda, have you seen my mom and dad" I asked. 

"They aren't here" said Brenda. 

I started to cry some more. 

"We have to find them" I said. 

"Why? We won't find the right arm anyway. Not without Marcus and you have the two cranks to love" said Brenda. 


"It's over. It's just us now" said Brenda. 

"I don't want it to be just us" I said as I cried. 

"Just try and relax" said Brenda. 

She put her arms around me. 

"How" I asked. 

"Like this" said Brenda. 

She closed her eyes and kissed me. I closed my eyes. Pretend it's Minho and Newt. Brenda and I made out for a minute or two. We broke the kiss and opened our eyes. I saw Minho and Newt naked. 

"Does that feel good Tommy" asked Newt as he rubbed my penis. 

"Let's have some fun Thomas. Can you be a good boy for us" asked Minho as he rubbed my butt. 

I stepped back with tears. They turned back to Brenda. 

"What" asked Brenda. 

I started to cry again. 

"You aren't them. I only love Minho and Newt. You will never be them" I said. 

Brenda sadly chuckled. She started to walk away. 

"Brenda" I said. 

She ignored me and left. 

"Brenda" I said sadly. 

I started to follow her. I lost Brenda. I kept looking for her. I saw the boyfriend cranks. I jumped back and screamed. I turned and saw Newt as a crank. He roared at me. I screamed and fell back. Being drunk sucks. 

"We belong to the maze" said Gally. 

I looked up and saw him standing there with the spear in his chest and pointing a gun at me. He pulled the trigger. 

"NO" I yelled as I turned over and started to crawl. 

I crawled to a man. I look up and saw Winston as a crank. 

"Thomas" he said. 

I screamed and stood up. Winston was gone. I looked around. I walked a little and saw the grievers. They roared at me. I fell to the floor scared. I laid on my back and saw Newt and Minho run up to me before I fainted. I was walking threw the room I told Teresa to meet me in. I have to tell her what I did. I don't expect her to forgive me. She shouldn't because what I did wasn't wrong but WCKD says other wise. I took a few turns till I found Teresa. 

"Hey" she said. 

I ran up to her. 

"Hey, did anyone see you come in" I asked. 

"No, what are you talking about" asked Teresa. 

"We don't have a lot of time" I said. 

"Thomas, if this is that you love me just say it. I love you two" said Teresa. 

"No, it's not that. I'm gay. I like guys" I said. 

I signed. 

"Then what is it Thomas" asked Teresa. 

"I just have to tell you and try to explain things before" I started but people entered the room. 

I turned and saw people walking. Shit. 

"Oh no" I said. 

I grabbed Teresa and pulled her to another wall thingy (what are they called). 

"Thomas" said Teresa. 

"Just listen to me okay. What ever they tell you about me, what ever they say, I just need you to know I had to do it" I said. 

Teresa was confused. 

"Okay" I asked. 

"What did you do" asked Teresa. 

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