Chapter 18

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I was held down and the girl grabbed something. 

"STOP" I yelled. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM" a boy yelled. 

"LET GO OF ME" I yelled. 

"Shut you big baby. You won't even feel it" said the girl. 

She scanned my neck and I was release. Newt and Minho hugged me and helped me up. 

"Are you alright Tommy" asked Newt. 

"I'm fine Mom" I said. 

"Are you sure" asked Minho. 

"Ya, I'm okay daddy" I said. 

"Did I miss something" asked Jorge. 

"Newt, Minho, and I are dating" I said. 

"And you call them Mom and Dad" said Jorge as he poured a drink. 

"It's our relationship" said Minho. 

"Well, it sounds like you are fucking your parents" said Jorge as he took a sip of his drink. 

"Finally someone who agrees with me" said Daron.

"It's gross" said Brenda as she looked at scanner. 

"You were right" said Brenda. 

She handed the scanner to Jorge. 

"What" asked girl. 

Jorge took the scanner and looked at it. He looked at us. 

"Sorry hermano, looks like you are tagged. You came from WCKD. Which means you are very valuable" said Jorge. 

His men got evil grins. 

"We have you out numbered by a lot" said a girl. 

"Mmm, I like those odds" said a man. 

"Pedafiles" said Daron. 

"THAT IS SO OFFENCE" a man yelled. 

He covered his eyes and cried. 

"You'll have to excuse Frank. He is emotional" said Jorge. 

Jorge put his glass down. 

"Now, tie them up and I will talk with my men" said Jorge. 

I was knocked out. I woke up upside down with my feet tired. I saw the drone scan me. 

"Get out of here" I said shooing it away. 

It went to scan the others. 

"What happened" asked a boy. 

"They must of tied us up while we were asleep" said Ben. 

"Great job Thomas and Daron" said Minho. 

"Shut up Minho" I said. 

"Hey wow, did you just tell your dad to shut up" asked a girl. 

"What did I do Minho" asked Daron. 

"You texted him saying we can take him to the right arm. How do you even know that shuck face" asked Minho. 

"It's hard to explain" said Daron. 

"Well I'm not sure being upside down is good for us. Especially Daron" said a boy. 

"I feel a sick" said Chuck. 

"We'll be okay Chuck" I said. 

"Maybe I can reach the rope" said Alby. 

A few people and Alby tried to reach the ropes. They gave up after they couldn't. Jorge entered the room. 

"Glad to see you are awake" said Jorge. 

"I know I'm no expert but I just want to point out being upside down is actually dangerous. Especially for Daron" said a boy. 

"Then let's make this quick. My men wan to sell you back to WCKD. Life has taught them to think small. I'm not like that. Something tells me you aren't either" said Jorge. 

"Is the blood rushing to my head or is this shank not making any sense" asked Minho. 

"Probably both" said a girl. 

"Here is the deal. You take Brenda and I to the right arm like Daron said and I'll let you go" said Jorge. 

"I thought they were ghost" said Chuck. 

"I happen to believe in ghost. Especially when I hear them talking on the air waves. If I am correct Daron has been talking to them, and they are tracking him" said Jorge. 

"I'm a crossbreed alien and my father and uncle work with them" said Daron. 

"You're a what" asked Jorge. 

"Never mind" said Daron. 

"Wait, the right arm is in contact with Daron and you want to meet the right arm" said a girl. 

"Yes, take me and Brenda to them" said Jorge. 

"Wait, if the right arm is tracking us does that mean WCKD is tracking us" asked Minho. 

The Scorch Trails But Without Death (Survive #24)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ