Chapter 5

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Janson entered with two man. 

"Good evening gentlement and ladies" said Janson. 

He walked to the center of the room and everyone turned to face him. 

"You all know how this works" said Janson. 

Daron rested his head on the table. 

"If you hear your name called please rise in a orderly fashion and join my colleges behind me. They will escort you to the eastern wing. Your new lives are about to begin" said Janson. 

There was a few happy claps and cheers. 

"Conner, Evelyn, Justin, Peter, Allison, Squiggy" said Janson.

 A couple laughed and Squiggy got up. 

"Alright, settle down" said Janson. 

"Franklin, Abigail, and Daron" said Janson. 

Franklin and Abigail stood up. Daron didn't. It doesn't make sense. 

"Wait, Janson told me that he believes Daron is working for WCKD. So why would they send him" I whispered. 

"Daron, I called your name" said Janson. 

Daron tiredly picked his head up and rested his head on his hand. 

"Choose someone else. I'm too tired" said Daron. 

"I can go" said a boy raising his hand. 

"Sorry but they requested Daron and you can sleep on the way" said Janson. 

Daron frowned and snapped up angrily. He started speaking in a different language and pointed at Janson. A few people looked at us but we only shrugged. Janson looked annoyed. 

"Bobby, you will take Daron's place" said Janson. 

"OH THANK GOD" a girl yelled. 

"YES, TAKE THE FUCK BOY" another girl yelled. 

"Can you accidentally loose him in the scorch on the way there please" said a women. 

A couple people laughed. 

"Now don't get discuraged. If I could take more I would. There is always tomorrow. Your time will come" said Janson as he started leaving. 

"The shuck was with Bobby? Why do the girls hate him" asked Zart. 

"He has been flirting with them and trying to get under the sheets with them. I understand what he is doing but I have standerds and don't plan to rape people" said the second boy. 

Everyone went back to eating. 

"Why didn't you want to go" asked Chuck. 

"Because I don't trust these people" said Daron. 

He grabbed his pocket watch and looked at it. Daron laid his head on the table. 

"I trust them" said the second boy. 

"I have trust issues" said Daron. 

He put his pocket watch away and grabbed his cell phone. Daron opened it and started texting who ever is on the other side. I saw Teresa walk by the room. I wonder why she isn't with us. Ben walked up to us. I was surprised. 

"Ben" I asked. 

"Hey guys" said Ben. 

We started to catch up. Ben told us that he was saved the day before us and brought here. We told him how we left the maze and what happened to Daron's Soulmate. After we ate we were taken to our room. We were split into a two groups. 

"Oh I got top bunk" said Frypan. 

Minho ran up and jumped up on the top bunk. 

"Too slow" said Minho. 

"Ya but can you fit you and your boyfriends up there" asked Frypan. 

Minho looked over at us. 

"You two want to join" asked Minho. 

Newt and I climbed up and we laid down. 

"We can fit" said Newt. 

Daron laid down on a bottom bunk. 

"As long as I don't have top I don't care. It gives me anxeity" said Daron. 

We all climbed into a bunk. 

"I could get use to this" said Winston. 

"Ya, it's kinda nice" said Newt. 

"Better then those hammocks" said Zart. 

"We should just be glad we can get a proper bed" said Alby. 

"How is your arm Chuck" I asked. 

"They removed the bullet and I should heal" said Chuck. 

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