Chapter 14: Illness and surgery

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At around 7:00 AM on December 29th, Andrew was asleep in his bed just sleeping peacefully, then all of a sudden, he felt a sharp pain in his right side that woke him up and he was in a drenching sweat because of it and he was starting to look pale.

"Agh!" Andrew groaned as he held his stomach as the pain was hurting him a lot, then he got up and ran to the bathroom and threw up and after he left the bathroom looking more paler, he grabbed his cell phone and dialed his mother's number and after two rings, she answered.

"Hello?" Abby replied.

"Hi, mom." Andrew moaned as he felt the pain in his right side again. "Ow!"

"What's wrong?"

"I've been having this pain in my right side and it hurts really bad and it just started, that's why i had to call you and tell you."

That alarmed Abby to hear that her son's illness had just started, whenever Andrew knew that something was was wrong with him, he immediately warned her on the double.

"I'm on my way!" Abby told him and she picked up her assisant and they came to the house a few minutes later to see her son lying in a ball while he was groaning in pain and holding his side, looking pale and was sweating profusely.

"What's wrong, Andrew?" Gianna asked her ill boyfriend as she kneeled to see what was wrong and when she felt his forehead and he was burning up, that was cause for concern. "It doesn't look good."

"'s my right side." Andrew managed to get out before he felt another sharp pain in his right side.

"Come on, Andrew. We'll take you to the hospital." Abby told him as she and Gianna took him to the car and drove towards the hospital to see what was wrong with him and the drive from his house to the hospital took three minutes since Andrew lived a mile from the hospital.

At Mount Sinai Medical Center, people were walking in and out of the building to either check in or sign release papers for someone as doctors were all around to try to make sick people feel better.

Coming into the hospital was Abby and Gianna with Andrew slowly walking as he was in pain, holding on to his side and the receptionist looked up at them.

"How may i help you two?" The receptionist asked with a friendly tone.

"Ma'am, my son's right side is hurting him bad and it started just this morning." After Abby had said that, the receptionst called for one of the doctors and the doctor that came to them was a blonde, 5'9 lady that was around 47 years old and the female doctor looked at Abby.

"Abby is that you?" The female doctor stated, her name was Janice Hudson and she was Andrew's doctor from the time he was 9 to the time he turned 13.

"Yeah, it's me, Janice." Abby stated as they shared a hug and then she looked over at Gianna. "Is that a friend of yours?"

"This is my assistant choreographer, Gianna Martello and she's my son's girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you, Gianna." Dr Hudson told her as they shook hands.

"Pleasure's all mine." Gianna replied.

"Ok, what seems to be the problem with your son?"

"A few minutes ago, i got a phone call from my son and he was telling me that he started feeling a sharp pain in his stomach, it mostly affected his right side and he threw up, was sweating profusely and was looking pale when we got to his house, so we brought him here to see what was wrong." Abby explained.

"Abby, can you please put Andrew on the gurney? we'll take good care of him." Dr Hudson told the dance teacher, who put her son on the gurney as she and four other doctors took Andrew to an exam room and a 20 minutes later, Dr Hudson came back out.

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